[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
I think it is a bunch of white guys claiming racism [/quote]
Not to me, no.
I don’t give two shits if someone wants to judge me based on my skin color, nor if their ASSumptions lead them to believe a bunch of bullshit.
What it means to me is collective v individual responsibility. We need to stop blaming and/or justifying society for the actions of individuals. If an individual is an asshoel, treat them as such, but don’t project their problems onto people like them based on an arbitrary factor, whether it be skin color, sex, religious affiliation, class status or what have you.
That is the central problem with collectivist societies and why they fail. It doesn’t matter how you slice the pie, humans are individuals, all individual cogs in the machine that make up society. Society doesn’t make the individual, the individual makes society. [/quote]
I think t is easier to dismiss the consequenses of racism if you are in a race that few effects
I grew up in Baltimore city near Greenmount and 33rd. I was the only white boy on my block. You think I didn’t experience racism? I got chased home from school by black kids at least once a week because I was white. Got in COUNTLESS streetfights from second grade on up because I was white. When I was fourteen, I got beaten by a gang of 15 black kids who broke my neck and beat me so bad my mother didn’t recognize me because I was white. Then I went to prison where the black population was 95% black. Again, do you think I didn’t experience racism? Again, got into a shit ton of fights and got stabbed five times BECAUSE I WAS WHITE.
How many black men to you personally know that have experienced the racial violence that I have? Has anyone EVER heard me claim to be a “victim” of anyone? Have I ever generalized a whole race of people for the actions of a relative few? NOPE. People need to shut the fuck up and take responsibility for THEIR OWN actions and position in life instead of blaming others for their own fears, lack of motivation/action and failure to reach their potential. It is NO ONE’S fault but their own. But blame is easy. Blame is safe. Blame let’s you get a free pass cuz “it’s not MY fault I didn’t succeed”. It’s a coward’s position for people with weak minds and excuses for everything.[/quote]
absolutely , you experienced racism . From Kindergarten to 3rd grade i went to an all black school . I learned to fight. I know both sides have racists . The difference is the white side has all the money , all the connections , all the power . Look at Congress, most police Departments , most judges , most people in position to hire and on and on
I am not trying to minimize your experience but if you went back a generation or 2 many black men had violent encounters
But NONE of those white muther fuckers who have all the money, connections and power ever did SHIT to help me or mine… When I got out of prison, there was no out reach program for WHITE felons. There wasn’t any scholarships or trusts or grants. In fact, when I applied to the electrical apprenticeship, I had to wait three years to get in, while the minorities got in on their FIRST try… I had NO “help” in the way of programs or support groups or even concerned (feeling guilty for no reason) liberals such as yourself - I was the wrong color…
Keep in mind, I wasn’t educated. I didn’t finish HS. 20 years ago I was an ignorant street thug. Now I was street smart. I could smell opportunities and spot angles a mile away. My cell buddy taught me how to play chess and I learned to think a step or two ahead. I got a job in library and read a few books that opened my mind a bit. But I didn’t have any HELP. Being white didn’t do a damned thing for me. Those in power don’t affect me personally. When I lived in DC, the majority of the representatives are black. I didn’t give a shit, it didn’t affect me.
Your position that being white holds some innate advantage is just plain wrong. In fact, in this victim mentality society that we live in today, I would consider being a white man a fucking liability.
And regarding your last statement about black men A GENERATION OR TWO AGO experienced violence. That’s right. A GENERATION OR TWO AGO. Not today. But they are sure acting as if it happened yesterday and that it affects them. Black on Black violence is what affects young black men these days, not white on black.
So why do I need to feel guilty about what happened before I was born? Why should a black person get accepted right into an apprenticeship while I have to wait three years even though I got a perfect score on the aptitude test? I didn’t come from money, and MY background was far more “disadvantaged” than theirs was. I experienced more racial violence than THEY did. How is THAT fair?