White Privilege - I'm So Sorry :(

I came across this article from about a year ago and I just wanted to share it with everyone.

It’s a really great idea and I support it 100%. You see this group in Wisconsin wants white kids to wear “white privilege” wrist bands. I’m not sure if anything like this has been tried before but it sounds vaguely familiar. Anyway, this is what the Volunteers in Service of America recommend on their website:

“Wear a white wristband as a reminder about your privilege, and as a personal commitment to explain why you wear the wristband.”

This is an excellent initiative in my opinion. I’ve really been getting in touch with my sensitive side recently and I’ve learned how wrong I’ve been and how evil white people are. For example, when a white person applies for a job the employers always push aside more qualified black applicants just to give the job to white people. It’s really unfair. We need to force white people out these jobs.

“Set aside sections of the day to critically examine how privilege is working.”

Personally, I think we need to go further. Businesses owned by white people should have to have some sort of symbol painted on their windows. It would help remind everyone about white privilege and people could boycott the stores to protest white privilege.

“Put a note on your mirror or computer screen as a reminder to think about privilege.”

Because white people have forced all the non-whites out of universities with white only scholarships and lower standards for white applicants, academia has been tainted with what I like to call “white intellectualism.” It’s basically “Eurocentric” racist ideology mostly. I think universities should gather up all these racist books and burn them.

And it’s not just privilege; white people are always given special treatment in the media. For example, I’ve heard about these gangs of like 20, 30 or 40 white people that just suddenly attack innocent black people and start beating the living shit out of them. But the media just hides the fact that the perpetrators are white - I think they call them “youths” or something.

Anyway, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for being a white guy.


I too would like to apologize for being white. I mean, I owe everything I have to being born white: my career, my kids, my houses, the women in my life - just EVERYTHING. There’s no way any of my hard work and initiative had anything to do with it. Shit, I even went to prison! Soon as I got out they had a job waiting! It’s like that for ALL the white guys. It’s not like we ever have to actually LOOK for a job, or learn a SKILL for a job or anything. We just get it cuz we’re white. Even when we do a poor job at our job, we still get to keep our job. Everyone knows they don’t fire white people (they could get sued).

If only I hadn’t been born white. I wouldn’t have to carry this loadstone of privilege around my neck all the fucking time. It’s HEAVY! Coupled with the white guilt (cuz everyone knows that I had something to do with shit that happened before I was born) and being politically correct it’s like a fucking lucky charm bracelet! I just don’t know how I make it through the day sometimes.

[quote]angry chicken wrote:
(cuz everyone knows that I had something to do with shit that happened before I was born) [/quote]

Pretty much, in a nut shell, what is wrong with this newest Frankfurt critical theory dribble making the rounds.

The idea that a person should be judged by the color of their skin, or better yet, by the actions OTHER PEOPLE have taken or are taking that share the same skin color is FUCKING WRONG! It doesn’t matter what color the skin is, if it is majority or not.

Wrong is wrong.

Yes, some white people did some bad things. Yes some white people are racist, ignorant fucksticks. But lets get off this notion that it applies to all, or even a majority of white people, or that, throughout history, non-white people didn’t do some horrific shit to people too.

People are individuals. Judge them as such. Let’s let go of this collective responsibility bullshit shall we?

Racial equality is when I call EVERYONE a nigger or a spic or a kike or a zipperhead or a honky or a wop or a gook without being persecuted for it.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]angry chicken wrote:
(cuz everyone knows that I had something to do with shit that happened before I was born) [/quote]

Pretty much, in a nut shell, what is wrong with this newest Frankfurt critical theory dribble making the rounds.

The idea that a person should be judged by the color of their skin, or better yet, by the actions OTHER PEOPLE have taken or are taking that share the same skin color is FUCKING WRONG! It doesn’t matter what color the skin is, if it is majority or not.

Wrong is wrong.

Yes, some white people did some bad things. Yes some white people are racist, ignorant fucksticks. But lets get off this notion that it applies to all, or even a majority of white people, or that, throughout history, non-white people didn’t do some horrific shit to people too.

People are individuals. Judge them as such. Let’s let go of this collective responsibility bullshit shall we?


I concur wholeheartedly

*with the caveat that the Frankfurt school produces dribble. Social phenomenon are neither objective nor universal, and hence shouldn’t be studied through positivist methodologies as the natural sciences are. Let’s not throw out the critical theory baby with the Marxist bathwater.

Opening the link , i get Rick Scott will not say if he will sign voucher bill.

But if I get the drift of the thread , I think it is a bunch of white guys claiming racism , via whites ,racism is dead . I personally believe racism is (NOT) dead . I will agree racism exists in all races but Whites at present are the ruling race and their racism has greater consequenses than other race’s racism .

I know it is a terrible thing to be white :slight_smile: eye roll

I will say I think over time race will be less a factor and financial status will be a more determining factor . Kind of like South Africa . Now they do not only treat poor blacks bad they also treat poor whites just as bad . That is if I understand south Africa right

The thing about white privilege is that it’s invisible to a lot of people because they grew up in it. You don’t have to intentionally want to take part in it for it to exist, it’s really a pretty strange thing, and it’s not always something whites impose. Sometimes/ often minorities self impose it as well.

Imagine a situation where two people are leaving a mid-high end clothing store simultaneously, one white one black. An alarm goes off at the exit and the guard stops the black man…

In most situations the guard is going to stop the black man as the priority. This in itself is version of white privilege. What is interesting is that often times the guard may be a minority acting on his own common sense which is another example of white privilege.

Often times a white shoplifter might intentionally wait for a minority to exit during a lift because they know this. Again, part of the whole of white privilege.

Are you guys denying it’s existence? It seems pretty cut and dry to me as far as it existing or not. The above is something similar to what happened to Neil Degrasse Tyson when he wasn’t so well known.

There are examples of white privilege all over Asia but especially Japan as well insofar as how blue eyed whites are idealized and are given an almost star like status depending on how exotic/exclusive they are for the locale. It goes beyond exoticism in that getting things like double eyelid surgery and bleaching hair is popular in places like Japan and Korea.

It’s a difficult thing to explain, but it’s very easy to observe.


[quote]Severiano wrote:
In most situations the guard is going to stop the black man as the priority. This in itself is version of white privilege.

No, this is a version of black disprivelege, and, though in your hypothetical it is unfortunate (I am assuming that the black guy has not stolen anything), it is entirely justified by statistical data. The mental processes that go into things like profiling and prejudice are universal and fundamental to so much human thought. Why did early man not cower in fear every time the sun went down? Because he’d seen dawns before. We detect and absorb patterns. It is human nature, and it’s good for us.

If white privelege is “people don’t suspect you of crime because your folk rarely commit crime, at least compared to blacks and latinos” then I’m going to start being proud of my white privilege.

But the larger and more important point is this: Yes, it is worth noting that circumstance of birth plays an important role in shaping lives in a general, society-level sense.

Thing is, all this “check your privilege” horseshit is lobbed at individuals, and this is inappropriate for a number of reasons. It is a prejudice–it reduces a person to skin color, sex, sexual orientation, and then it makes some ridiculous assumption about them. When a black girl in a college classroom tells a white guy to “check his privilege,” she is talking into her own ass. She could be the daughter of a doctor, whereas his father could be a sanitation worker; she received points on her college application by virtue of her black skin, whereas he didn’t (I call free points and easy rides “privilege”…what do you call them?); he could have been born with some kind of sickness which he overcame in childhood; he could have been beaten or worse by his father (Edward St Aubyn looks like the kind of guy who’s told to check his privilege…but read his Wikipedia page and tell me if that’s a fair suggestion).

So, Severiano, if you and I got into a discussion of white privilege, and I am sure we’d agree on a lot. There is data, there is common sense. But once the discussion becomes an individual thing–and this is what it has become, all over the country–people are being stupid, racist assholes.

[quote]smh_23 wrote:

[quote]Severiano wrote:
In most situations the guard is going to stop the black man as the priority. This in itself is version of white privilege.

No, this is a version of black disprivelege, and, though in your hypothetical it is unfortunate (I am assuming that the black guy has not stolen anything), it is entirely justified by statistical data. The mental processes that go into things like profiling and prejudice are universal and fundamental to so much human thought. Why did early man not cower in fear every time the sun went down? Because he’d seen dawns before. We detect and absorb patterns. It is human nature, and it’s good for us.

If white privelege is “people don’t suspect you of crime because your folk rarely commit crime, at least compared to blacks and latinos” then I’m going to start being proud of my white privilege.[/quote]

But that’s RACIST!


[quote]Severiano wrote:

It goes beyond exoticism in that getting things like double eyelid surgery and bleaching hair is popular in places like Japan and Korea.


Maybe they’re transracial or something. You know, “trapped in the wrong body.” It’s scientific fact. Some people are “assigned” the wrong race. Assigned by whom I’m not sure but it’s fact nonetheless. What I find interesting is, if all these people were “assigned” the wrong bodies then what happened to the bodies they were supposed to get?

[quote]angry chicken wrote:

[quote]smh_23 wrote:

[quote]Severiano wrote:
In most situations the guard is going to stop the black man as the priority. This in itself is version of white privilege.

No, this is a version of black disprivelege, and, though in your hypothetical it is unfortunate (I am assuming that the black guy has not stolen anything), it is entirely justified by statistical data. The mental processes that go into things like profiling and prejudice are universal and fundamental to so much human thought. Why did early man not cower in fear every time the sun went down? Because he’d seen dawns before. We detect and absorb patterns. It is human nature, and it’s good for us.

If white privelege is “people don’t suspect you of crime because your folk rarely commit crime, at least compared to blacks and latinos” then I’m going to start being proud of my white privilege.[/quote]

But that’s RACIST!


As an obviously able-bodied (how else to explain the dance?), straight white male chicken, I think it’s time you check your chicken privilege.

[quote]smh_23 wrote:

[quote]angry chicken wrote:

[quote]smh_23 wrote:

[quote]Severiano wrote:
In most situations the guard is going to stop the black man as the priority. This in itself is version of white privilege.

No, this is a version of black disprivelege, and, though in your hypothetical it is unfortunate (I am assuming that the black guy has not stolen anything), it is entirely justified by statistical data. The mental processes that go into things like profiling and prejudice are universal and fundamental to so much human thought. Why did early man not cower in fear every time the sun went down? Because he’d seen dawns before. We detect and absorb patterns. It is human nature, and it’s good for us.

If white privelege is “people don’t suspect you of crime because your folk rarely commit crime, at least compared to blacks and latinos” then I’m going to start being proud of my white privilege.[/quote]

But that’s RACIST!


As an obviously able-bodied (how else to explain the dance?), straight white male chicken, I think it’s time you check your chicken privilege.[/quote]

Hey, I’m a felon with a HS diploma - I could play “victim” all day long. But I make 250K a year. It MUST be cause I’m white. Working 90 hours a week has NOTHING to do with it AT ALL. LOL

EDIT: WITHOUT a HS diploma (my lack of education is obvious - I can’t even distinguish prepositions!)

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
I think it is a bunch of white guys claiming racism [/quote]

Not to me, no.

I don’t give two shits if someone wants to judge me based on my skin color, nor if their ASSumptions lead them to believe a bunch of bullshit.

What it means to me is collective v individual responsibility. We need to stop blaming and/or justifying society for the actions of individuals. If an individual is an asshoel, treat them as such, but don’t project their problems onto people like them based on an arbitrary factor, whether it be skin color, sex, religious affiliation, class status or what have you.

That is the central problem with collectivist societies and why they fail. It doesn’t matter how you slice the pie, humans are individuals, all individual cogs in the machine that make up society. Society doesn’t make the individual, the individual makes society.

[quote]Bismark wrote:
Let’s not throw out the critical theory baby with the Marxist bathwater.

Fine, fair enough, although I have reservations, you’re likely correct here.

[quote]smh_23 wrote:
But once the discussion becomes an individual thing–and this is what it has become, all over the country–people are being stupid, racist assholes.[/quote]

Good post.

This part in particular.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
I think it is a bunch of white guys claiming racism [/quote]

Not to me, no.

I don’t give two shits if someone wants to judge me based on my skin color, nor if their ASSumptions lead them to believe a bunch of bullshit.

What it means to me is collective v individual responsibility. We need to stop blaming and/or justifying society for the actions of individuals. If an individual is an asshoel, treat them as such, but don’t project their problems onto people like them based on an arbitrary factor, whether it be skin color, sex, religious affiliation, class status or what have you.

That is the central problem with collectivist societies and why they fail. It doesn’t matter how you slice the pie, humans are individuals, all individual cogs in the machine that make up society. Society doesn’t make the individual, the individual makes society. [/quote]

I think t is easier to dismiss the consequenses of racism if you are in a race that few effects

[quote]pittbulll wrote:

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
I think it is a bunch of white guys claiming racism [/quote]

Not to me, no.

I don’t give two shits if someone wants to judge me based on my skin color, nor if their ASSumptions lead them to believe a bunch of bullshit.

What it means to me is collective v individual responsibility. We need to stop blaming and/or justifying society for the actions of individuals. If an individual is an asshoel, treat them as such, but don’t project their problems onto people like them based on an arbitrary factor, whether it be skin color, sex, religious affiliation, class status or what have you.

That is the central problem with collectivist societies and why they fail. It doesn’t matter how you slice the pie, humans are individuals, all individual cogs in the machine that make up society. Society doesn’t make the individual, the individual makes society. [/quote]

I think t is easier to dismiss the consequenses of racism if you are in a race that few effects

I think you’re trapped on the liberal plantation if you think it doesn’t effect white people.

I’m not about to get into a discussion on race in America with someone who doesn’t think a baby is a person until it leaves the womb tho, so save it.