This is my first post, so first of all I’ll give you a little background on me. I just turned 16, and I’ve been lifting for about 1.5 years on and off, and the past 3/4 of a year I’ve been lifting consistenly, and the propery way, ever since I started reading Testosterone.
During all that time, I only worked on my upper body. At first I didn’t work on lower body because I didn’t understand that it is important. But for the past 1/2 year I haven’t been able to because of my basketball season. It just ended a week ago, and I want to do Ian King’s “White Men Can Jump” program during the offseason in order to increase my vertical.
I just did the program this afternoon, and all went fine except for the squats. This is only my 2nd time doing squats, so I suspect that I can’t just go heavy right away like King states in his program. Right after doing the squats, I felt some pain in my lower back that lasted for about 15 seconds, and then went right away. I tried to get some assistance from an instructor so that he could show me what I was doing wrong, but the 2 that were there didn’t even know the proper form of doing squats. Worse, they started telling me that doing squats will stunt my growth, and that lifting heavy in general will stunt my growth also. I can’t just go to a different gym, because almost all the instructors in my country say the same thing. I want to continue squatting, and I know that no one can helpfully critic my squatting form through the internet, but if anyone here knows about some common newbie mistakes during squatting, I would greatly appreciate it.