I was just wondering, seeing as you are the poster child for the kind of body most guys are looking for, if you think a lot of the build you have was all base level stuff from when you had a little more “non-contractile mass”?
It just always seems that there’s a slough of guys in gyms who think they can keep their totally flat stomachs and make huge gains in size and I’m far from convinced that’s the way to go about it. Especially since these same guys never seem to increase in size OR strength.
Basically, I guess I’m asking if you believe in the “bulking phase/cutting phase” stuff or if the lean, slow grind is the path of choice. From an athlete’s perspective, not a mirror jock.
An athlete cannot afford to bulk up to much most of the time. And because of the amount of energy system work and sport practices they’ll have to do it would be very hard for them.
I don’t like to bulk too much. You should calculate your “ideal” bodyweight and never go more than 10% above that weight. That will still give a lot of room to bulk for most peoples. But it’s definetly true that someone first needs a strong base, if you don’t have that foundation to begin with, it will be extremely hard to become big and lean.
BTW, if someone has to bulk up, but doesn’t want to gain too much fat, a pendulum approach (yeah just like my new training system) might work very well:
Will you new book cover this Pendulum approach as it pertains to Nutrition (chrononutrition as Dr. Siff dubbed it)? Thanks and I look forward to the read.