Which Program Best Suits My Strength Level?

Hi all,

I need help choosing a strength program. I have been lifting for about 6 years, but am likely still somewhere between beginner and intermediate in terms of strength. Only recently stopped doing “whatever I felt like” training.

Weight: 150 lbs
Bench: 240 lbs
Squat: 240 lbs
Deadlift: 310 lbs
OH Press: 145 lbs
Dips: BW + 137.5lbs x 3

What program would be best for me? Currently looking at Starting Strength, Korte’s 3x3, Madcow 5x5, Bill Starr’s 5x5, the Texas Method, Sheiko 29, smolov or smolov junior (to bring up my squat).

At the moment I am benching, squatting, and deadlifting twice a week, one heavy day and one light/speed day, plus various compound assistance work. Thanks in advance for any help or advice!

Well you are guilty of squat the same as bench… Honestly, I would say any one of those programs is more than fine. I personally train sheiko style so I always advocate training in a similar style. I actually have never run korte 3x3, but for someone who probably doesn’t yet have good technique (given many years of training and a poor squat), it might be a decent way to get in lots of practise.

Conversely, lots of people do very well on SS, madcow, BW, or texas. Just follow something carefully, and eat properly. If you feel like doing something sheiko style, feel free to PM me and I can help with starting thsi style of training.


Agreed with 5/3/1, but I would do a round of smolov first. IMO guys like you can benefit quite a lot from doing a bout of smolov. You would have to be very disciplined to do it, but if you did I think you could definitely get well over 300 with your squat.