What’s going on JB! I’m dying to see the “Don’t Diet” Diet plan so that I can start on it. Summer’s here and I need to drop some bodyfat!Also you mentioned writing out your workout routines and meal plans when bulking and dieting, I would enjoy seeing what you do.
So until you get a “dont diet” article you cant drop fat for the summer? That’s sad, bro…ok just kidding. No actually Ive had too many other projects to sit down and work on the dont diet articles. An article like dont diet or massive eating takes a lot longer than you would expect. Since they are subject to such high levels of scrutiny, Ive gotta be sure to take a good deal of time, writing, rewriting, proofreading, etc. I can see it now…You say “JB, where’s the article”…I pop one out quickly…You say “JB, your article wasnt clear on these 10 topics…what’s going on JB!?”…I take out my uzi semiautomatic…you know the rest. Anyway, the workout article is done as are several others that will be on the site and the print mag in the near future. Patience, grasshopper. Patience.
Okay, GodFather…You know I think the world of you, Chris and TC…so being a T-Mag contributor you have to be careful about what you say (sometimes!)So I’ll be your attack Dawg. I’m SURE you wanted to say “…Since they are subject to such a high level of BULLSHIT…” (LOL!) Can’t wait to see the articles!
T-Warrior, you can use the Massive Eating plan and subtract 25% to get a rough example of JB’s Don’t Diet diet. Try that out. Read his recent article on Appetite for Construction too! You can do it!
Most of what JB would write in the article has already been on the forum. I have been on it for almost six weeks now and I just started a Don’t Diet Support Group post so refer to that if you have any ?, and while I’m no JB, I can likely help you out.
Thanks for the info nate! I really appreiate it. I have been already trying a different diet plan because I was waiting for JB to come out with his. I was begining to feel a little flat on this diet, but now that I have an idea of how to do JB’s Don’t Diet, I’ll get started on it. Thanks again!