Hi, I’ve been readinig this forum and its very informative maybe too informative. But I need too start hitting some weights and pack on some muscle. I’m 5’10 about 170 lbs. Does anyone have a good work out plan to follow? And know of any good suplemants to sart off with? I heard muscle milk was good but i read some bad feed back on the site. Great advice is greatly appreciated thanks.
look at all the articles, so a search for workout programs. if your new stick to basic easy stuff so you dont burn yourself out. dont do crazy 5 day splits at first try full body or 2 day splits with a small amount of big compound moves, then once your used to lifting depending on your goals change programs and eat right or dont even bother going to the gym in all honesty if you wont bother to commiting to eat properly just do everyone a favor and stay at home
Id say take a look at big boy basics. above all get in the gym and put the reading to use you can read and learn all you want if you dont apply it it means NADA.
[quote]Slim Jim wrote:
actually, he can already use the 5x5 for start-up. Thanks for posting the link. I honestly believe the 5x5 is one of the most underrated programs out there
I go with a 3 day a week split:
Day 1: Abs
Day 2: Swiss ball dubbell presses
Day 3: Abs
Once you dial in the abs, then you can start into things like leg lifts and 10lb dumbell curls. You don’t want to go too heavy, you might get big real fast.
Just kidding…