Hip Thrust + 15 Back Extensions
6 x 225, 6, 6 x 245
3 x 8 x 75
Chest Supported Row
12, 12 x 80, 12 x 70
Leg Extension
12 x 135, 12, 12 x 120
3 x 10 x 60
Cable Flye
3 x 12 x 15
Cable Crunch
3 x 12 x 63
10 minute treadmill Incline walk, 8%, 3mph
Low motivation day, but had gym stuff with me, and it’s a gym day. Went well though, I continue to be amazed by how much easier it is to increase weight or reps when not cutting. Who knew?!
2.6 miles, 30 minutes
4 x 20s hill sprints sprinkled in
This is intended to be a recovery run every week. Legs feel like lead everytime. I wonder if it’s partially mental, or if they are just fried by this run and the program is spot on for the recovery pace.
The “sprints” were basically running hard up all the hills I encountered then taking a short walk after.
I got home and energy and desire to think had left the building for the weekend. Didn’t even feel like counting, so I threw on some Caroline and followed along.
Still had me pumped and sweaty, counting it.
20mph+ winds today. Tried to keep it on my side as much as possible, but ended up with a head wind for a couple of miles. Felt like running with a sail.
Other than that, great morning. Little bit harder to get into a groove today, didn’t find it until mile 5 or so.
One of the things I really like about her is that she switches things up pretty continually in terms of sets/reps and pace. Some of the workouts feel like HIIT, others are slow and focused. It’s nicely well-rounded. There’s a lot of what feels like balance work, too, as we move along, which I like. My work with the physical therapist last year for my long-standing ITBS uncovered imbalances in my legs, which explains some of the running injuries I’ve had over the years. It would never occur to me to do a single leg RDL when left to my own devices. If it did occur to me, I’d probably give it a handful of reps, then decide not for me. But when it crops up in a program, I just suck it up and do it.
This is so nice, it’s like doing a WOD, without having to go find one that fits my home equipment.
These are so good. I recently started doing them again as well, I feel them more after than during. I think that’s why I never stuck with them either. Felt like they weren’t working.
I think I’m finally really getting RDLs. Mind/muscle in general is getting better and better as I do these workouts, probably because we’re hitting it all in such a variety of ways that at some point I have these “oh! that’s IT!” moments. If/when I do my own programming again I’ll be able to do such a better job of it.
Remember last week when I said I was going to roll back the calories a bit? Well, I still went over a few days. Average was about 100cals lower vs the week before. Hunger and food noise was intense this last week. It’s also shark week, so not a big surprise weight is holding steady.
Went out for my sister-in-laws bday dinner. Did great and had a dressing free salmon salad. Then totally went to town on a slice of German chocolate cake we all shared after dinner. No regrets though. I actually felt not-hungry, even satisfied for the first time in a couple weeks and went to bed without my belly growling. Boy that was nice.
Saturday I ate about 2500 calories total. We’ll call that re-fueling the long run. All good stuff, avocado toast with veg/egg/pulled pork scramble for breakie, steak kebobs and steamed potatoes for lunch then a large bowl of pumpkin oat/cauliflower rice oatmeal topped with Greek yogurt for dinner. Plus a pre-run muffin and banana during.
Had cravings for giant pancakes yesterday. So I had oat protein pancakes for breakfast and whole grain zucchini pancakes and a veg/egg scramble for lunch. Still wanted more after those. Like, after each meal I was legit upset the pancakes were gone.
I’m not sure how to describe my current feeling with food other than unsatisfied after many meals. Sometimes it’s physically and other times it’s mentally. Food noise is up, hunger is back within an hour of meals, etc. I am beginning to think that some other life stuff is boiling over and effecting how I am feeling and my brain is cranking up the food signals to try and comfort me. I have been stressed and irritated in general.
I’ll get into more life stuff when the dust settles, but to summarize, there are a lot of decisions that need to be made. Hubby and I have been in a holding pattern for months, and we had a serious talk yesterday about how we want to move forward. A couple of changes are upcoming. Nothing too crazy; it’s just nice to not be waiting on a pipedream anymore. Had to accept it wasn’t going to happen first.
Movement shift time. I love that JN’s programs have a built in rotation every four weeks, keeps things just fresh enough.
Everything felt pretty good. Leverage squats might be my new favorite machine squat. I feel it equally on the quads and glutes, normally I am all quad.
5:00 jog and drills
3 x 5:00 @ 9:00/mi
2:00 recovery
5:00 jog
Legs were feeling those leverage squats. They felt heavy.
Feeling low on energy so far this week. Had a rough night on top of that. Shark week? Need to eat more? I don’t know.
I ran out of willpower and had Greek yogurt with a heaping scoop of protein and a ton of mixed berries before bed. Went to bed with a happy belly, woke up at midnight with it growling and then layed there for two hours.
I get pretty frustrated at my calorie budget, but ig it help to remember that for a lot of ppl with much higher ones, they feel just as hungry on theirs
Even with myself, there are times where I felt like 2100-2200 was not enough, and others where I struggle to eat 1700-1800. This is eating mostly the same foods
True. It’s all relative.
On the bench yesterday my hubby was cheering me on and pushing for an extra rep on the bench. He said, “you need to push, you are on a gain phase!”
I realized in that moment I don’t feel like it. I have all the same diet fatigue I did at 1200-1400. I’m tired going into most workouts, hungry after eating, thinking about my next meal almost constantly, etc. It is easier to push, but I guess I wanted my brain to put food on a back burner instead of constantly planning how to spend my calories budget. I feel a little less bad going over right now. That’s about it.
Yes, if you’re waking up with your stomach growling - that’s true hunger not the psychological kind. Listen to your body!!
Maybe throw some fat in this mix to slow digestion and keep you feeling satiated. That might do the trick!
This should tell you everything you need to know. What’s your goal? Do you just want to see your abs or do you want to feel good, perform well and not hate your life? You need to eat accordingly.
I have a dumb question. Times like last night, when I am still hungry after dinner (5oz steak, 1/2 sweet potato and 8oz asparagus for reference) and I am hungry enough to eat just veggies, but I don’t want to just volume, I want FOOD. Protein. Etc. You use the “are you hungry enough to eat broccoli?” Test. But uh… do I have to actually eat broccoli?
There were a few walnuts on there too!
I don’t want to lose sight of my abs and balloon into what the rest of my family looks like. But I am getting tired of being tired, feeling slow and I want to eat when hungry, not think about food for a few hours, run fast and lift heavy.
I’m waging a war with myself in my head and I am clinging to things (calorie numbers) that aren’t serving me because I am scared I won’t have enough control to not turn into a pig.
If weight loss was your goal, I would tell you yes but, since that’s not the goal right now, the answer is no. I would say increase the protein to 6 ounces and eat the other half of that potato. First though, did you have any fat with that meal? Remember that that is a major key to satiation.
You won’t let yourself - trust that.
This is no way to live and isn’t healthy either. Give yourself a week or even two of no counting - just listening to your body. When you’re hungry, make good food choices and I promise you, you will not get fat. Also, if you want to talk - I’m always here. Shoot me a text and we’ll set something up. Bottom line: YOU GOTTA FUEL THE MACHINE!!!
There was a spritz of olive oil on the sweet potatoes… they were sweet potato fries made in an air fryer.
So, not really. We talking add some butter to that steak?
I think this should be my mantra at this point. Maybe it will set in.
I really dislike the idea of buttering meat… but maybe some butter on your veggies or just a side of 1/3-1/2 of an avocado. That would add some additional bulk too!
Haven’t done high weight low rep stuff in a while, felt nice to feel like I was going to get crushed by the weight stack on the leg Press. I could add more too.
Close grip bench is a weird, wobbly animal. The first two sets were humbling.
Pull ups are hard, even assisted.