What's Your Program Split?

Hey everyone,
I just want to find out how everyone breaks up there workouts through out the week. Right now I am on a five day split but doing chest and back twice a week since i was doing a 10x3 program. My last program was:
Tuesday- chest and upper back
thursday- quads and traps
friday- delts, bi’s and tri’s
saturday- chest and upper back
sunday- hamstrings, calves and low back

I didn’t put much emphasis on my friday routine because you work them muscles indirectly through so many other workouts. And the 10x3 was the only thing i was doing for chest and upperback. Just wanted to find out how everyone likes to break up there program throughout the week.

Thanks for the help.

Go heavy fool
08:14 PM
Florida, USA

Sun- off
Mon- Shoulders & Forearms
Tue- Legs
Wed- Chest & Calves
Thur- Arms & Abs
Fri- Calves & Forearms
Sat- Chest/Back/Legs (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift)

Monday - Chest and Calves
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Shoulders
Thursday - Off
Friday - Legs
Saturday - Arms
Sunday - Off

I switch up the order frequently, but will never go back to back legs and back (at least 2 days in between). If I know I am in for a really long week, I will get rid of the arm day and split up bi’s and tri’s on back/shoulder day.

mon- triceps and legs
tuesday - off
wed.- delts and chest
thursday - back
friday - biceps and legs*
saturday - chest
sunday - back

*i try get biceps in on thursday with back, but it’s usually too late and end up doing them on friday

What the hell is a split? I do three full-body workouts per week a la Waterbury.

I really can’t imagine driving all the way to the gym just to do my arms. How do you people sleep at night?

But in all seriousness, while I love my full-body workouts, I will probably give a split routine a try sometime in the future. However, it will probably be a four day upper/lower split, so I can hit the big muscles at least twice a week.

I do a head-to-toe (or toe-to-head) split, with upper and lower body in every workout. Some bodyparts are done twice a week and some only once.

Mo - Chest/Delts/Back/Legs/Forearms (A)
Tu - Off
We - Off
Th - Back/Triceps/Biceps/R Delts and/or Rot Cuffs/Legs (B)
Fr - Off
Sa/Su - Off
Ab work dropped in here and there.

Sometimes I’ll step it up a little for a couple/few weeks:
Mo - A
We - B
Fr - A
Mo - B
We - A
Fr - B

tues-chest and arms
sat-squats and back

I like simple

I do a 3 different full body routines every week most of the year. But will switch to a push / pull/ leg workout during the summer. I have to admit my numbers don’t really budge till I go back to full body but it’s a nice break.



Fri:Legs and biceps

Sat:Chest and triceps

[quote]swordthrower wrote:
I really can’t imagine driving all the way to the gym just to do my arms. How do you people sleep at night?

with my huge arms wrapped around a stuffed teddy bear…i mean, you didn’t read that…i dind’t just type that…fuck:)

3-day push/pull split:

day 1: bi/back
day 2: chest/tri
day 3: legs/shoulders
day 4: off
day 5: off
day 6: bi/back
day 7: chest/tri

So, the following week I start with legs/shoulders, followed by two off days. Body parts being hit twice per week are rotated.

I never tried a full body per day routine and I know very little about it. But, it does sound interesting.

[quote]tora no’ shi wrote:
swordthrower wrote:
I really can’t imagine driving all the way to the gym just to do my arms. How do you people sleep at night?

with my huge arms wrapped around a stuffed teddy bear…i mean, you didn’t read that…i dind’t just type that…fuck:)[/quote]

haha thats great. I like your workout split to bro might have to try it. and I don’t think he realizes how many people actually dedicate there arms to a single day, but then again I didn’t realize so many people did upper and lower body splits and whole body workouts, thats something I could never do!

thanks everyone for the replies. Keep them comin

Mon: Chest and Biceps
Tues: Quads and calves
Wed: Back and triceps
Thurs: Hamstrings
Fri: Shoulders and traps
Sat: light cardio if you want - same goes for sunday.
Abs are sprinkled in about every other day.

Arms incl. shoulders

rest day between chest/back and arms

M - shoulders, tris
T - quads, glutes, abs
W - traps, PC, calves
T - upper back, bis
F - hams, glutes, lower back
S - (optional) strongman and/or conditioning
S - lounge in pool with Alpha F

(also, i do some core, pushups, and pullups every day)

[quote]bigdev121 wrote:
haha thats great. I like your workout split to bro might have to try it. and I don’t think he realizes how many people actually dedicate there arms to a single day, but then again I didn’t realize so many people did upper and lower body splits and whole body workouts, thats something I could never do!

yeah, it’s a killer and it took a while to tweak…but i love it…

…and i understand the logic behind whole body routines, but those that i see at the gym doing them are nowhere near big or strong…guess you gotta do what works for you…

DE Bench
DE Squat/dead
Squat assist
ME Bench
ME Squat/dead

I might add one more day in for recovery after ME squat, but I like working a 7 day split.

I use Renegade Training. There are some changes every 1-3 weeks (an exercise or two may change, percentages change, etc.). My current schedule looks like this:

[u]Day 1:[/u]

Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 10-15 minutes

Focus lifts:

  1. Kbell or Close-grip power snatches
  2. Back squats
    Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers and/or Russian split jumps. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.

Supplemental lifts:

  1. Good morning squats
  2. Plate raises
  3. Pull-ups
    All done for 4 sets of 6

Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds

[u]Day 2:[/u]

Dynamic warmup similar to Monday’s workout but for 12 minutes and with a few different exercises

Sprints done for 8-15 sets of 30, 40 or 50-yard sprints at 70-75% max

Explosive Med ball work

[u]Day 3:[/u]

Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 12-15 minutes

Focus lifts:

  1. Squat/Push Jerk complex
  2. Bench presses
    Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.

Supplemental lifts:

  1. Glute-Ham Raises
  2. Cuban presses or See-saw presses
  3. Supinated barbell rows
    All done for 4 sets of 6

Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds

[u]Day 4:[/u]

Dynamic warmup similar to Wednesday’s workout but for 20 minutes and with a few different exercises

Shuttle Sprints done for 6-8 sets of 5-, 10- and 15-yard shuttles starting from stomach or back (laying on ground)

Explosive Med ball work

[u]Day 5:[/u]

Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 10-15 minutes

Focus lifts:

  1. Kbell Clean & Jerk or Power Clean - hang
  2. Front Squats
    Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers and/or Russian split jumps. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.

Supplemental lifts:

  1. Good morning squats
  2. Muscle Snatch
  3. Pull-ups
    All done for 4 sets of 6

Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds

[quote]bigdev121 wrote:
tora no’ shi wrote:
swordthrower wrote:
I really can’t imagine driving all the way to the gym just to do my arms. How do you people sleep at night?

with my huge arms wrapped around a stuffed teddy bear…i mean, you didn’t read that…i dind’t just type that…fuck:)

haha thats great. I like your workout split to bro might have to try it. and I don’t think he realizes how many people actually dedicate there arms to a single day, but then again I didn’t realize so many people did upper and lower body splits and whole body workouts, thats something I could never do!

thanks everyone for the replies. Keep them comin

No, I DO realize that lots of people dedicate a day to their arms. In fact, I see them all the time in my gym. They are usually skinny and wearing wifebeaters, and talking about how drunk they’re going to get next weekend!

I really don’t have have any problem with “splitters”, I just like giving them a hard time. Seriously, though, if you ever get tired of the classic BB split, give a Waterbury full-body routine a try. You will not be disappointed. And don’t worry, even though there is little direct arm work, your biceps will still be wicked hyoooge.


full body routine here 3x week

one day high reps 12-15
next time in 8-10
next time in 4-6

Hi there, I like to split things up as i feel i give each muscle group i work, all Ive got, used to find that if i did say back and biceps, i was knackered by the time i had done back, and gave my Biceps a half arsed work out, and believe me, Im neither skinny, wear wife beaters, or get drunk at the weekends, after doing an Bicep, Tricep work out, feel like my arms are going to pop, and fall off

M- Bis & Tris
T- Rest
W- Back (upper & lower)
T- rest
F- Shoulders
S- rest
S- Chest
M- Rest
T- Legs

then another rest day and I start the whole thing all over again, oh and i throw in 30mins cardio, every other workout day too

Sometimes I swap the rest days around depending on my work commitment as well, but all seems to be working for me at the mo, I just make sure i go as heavy as I can, and get the full stretch from the range of motion in the excercise i`m doing, its as important to rest and get those vital mimimum eight hours a nite growing time guys