I use Renegade Training. There are some changes every 1-3 weeks (an exercise or two may change, percentages change, etc.). My current schedule looks like this:
[u]Day 1:[/u]
Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 10-15 minutes
Focus lifts:
- Kbell or Close-grip power snatches
- Back squats
Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers and/or Russian split jumps. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.
Supplemental lifts:
- Good morning squats
- Plate raises
- Pull-ups
All done for 4 sets of 6
Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds
[u]Day 2:[/u]
Dynamic warmup similar to Monday’s workout but for 12 minutes and with a few different exercises
Sprints done for 8-15 sets of 30, 40 or 50-yard sprints at 70-75% max
Explosive Med ball work
[u]Day 3:[/u]
Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 12-15 minutes
Focus lifts:
- Squat/Push Jerk complex
- Bench presses
Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.
Supplemental lifts:
- Glute-Ham Raises
- Cuban presses or See-saw presses
- Supinated barbell rows
All done for 4 sets of 6
Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds
[u]Day 4:[/u]
Dynamic warmup similar to Wednesday’s workout but for 20 minutes and with a few different exercises
Shuttle Sprints done for 6-8 sets of 5-, 10- and 15-yard shuttles starting from stomach or back (laying on ground)
Explosive Med ball work
[u]Day 5:[/u]
Dynamic warmup
Includes hurdles, forward rolls, jump rope, unweighted GPP (jumping jacks, shuffles, burpees, etc.) done in circuit fashion for 10-15 minutes
Focus lifts:
- Kbell Clean & Jerk or Power Clean - hang
- Front Squats
Both done for 6 sets of 4 at 40-65% of my max and each set is followed immediately by med ball wood choppers and/or Russian split jumps. Rest periods are 35-45 seconds.
Supplemental lifts:
- Good morning squats
- Muscle Snatch
- Pull-ups
All done for 4 sets of 6
Core Stabilization
Planks, side planks, horse stance, supermans and bar holds for 30 or 60 second holds