Honestly I wish less people were motivated then my results would be more impressive. I dont care about how others lift I do this for myself. If anything I want to be stronger then the next man.
Hey Fulmen and Mind_Freak just letting you know motivation is high.
i pushed through 40 degree celcius temps, possibly hotter in the gym, and squatted 4 sets of 12 at 50kgs, 20kgs more than i started on a few weeks ago. i also bested every other lift last night, and although they arent heavy im starting again from zero and each one is working me hard.
[quote]tubbynewb wrote:
Hey Fulmen and Mind_Freak just letting you know motivation is high.
i pushed through 40 degree celcius temps, possibly hotter in the gym, and squatted 4 sets of 12 at 50kgs, 20kgs more than i started on a few weeks ago. i also bested every other lift last night, and although they arent heavy im starting again from zero and each one is working me hard. [/quote]
Buddy: I don’t want to get so buff I can’t scratch my own back.
Me: Get that buff and women will do it for you!!
Can’t squat my knee hurts
started squatting knee felt stronger.
Don’t know how or what a deadlift is so it must not be important. (Muscle rags education)
found the nation hit PR of 455 last week after one year of pulling
No one understands my obsession
stopped caring kept lifting
that looks to hard and complicated
better get on it now and start improving
My wife: if you keep getting bigger we will have to buy you all new shirts
Me: cut the sleeves off I’m only going to the gym.
[quote]palindrome wrote:
Someone stole the weights out of my back yard.
I lifted rocks and sandbags until I saved enough to buy some more.
forgot this one its from an amature powerlifter i met in Kuwait.
they told me they would ship the equipment, but it didn’t make it so I built this.
This was made of scrap wood, chains ropes and pulleys, and looked like Satans training ground. (he qualified for a contest within two months of being back) never stop!!
[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
bulldogtor wrote:
“I don’t want to get too big like those gross bodybuilders. I just want to be ripped–like Brad Pitt from Fight Club.”
Damn you bulldogtor! You beat me to it!
“I don’t want to get big, I just want to tone”
-I’m gonna bang my head into the fucking wall next time I hear it.[/quote]
I hate that! I have a friend that said something similar to me a few weeks back. I told him thats like wanting to be great in bed with a 2in dick… that isnt the way it works, sry.
As for my own personal short comings, I dont eat enough. I need to get up right now and make some eggs or something. As for my excuse, I have none. I dont feel like cooking and I dont want to do the GD dishes. But I need to make myself and stop being a lazzy fuck…b/c isnt that really what all this comes down to?
That’s pretty badass. I’ve got some friends that were stationed out in a freakin’ hole (a 4 tent Fuel Point surrounded by barb wire, how’s that for a “base”?) outside of Fallujah, Iraq and they too made their own gym out of cement posts, lumber, straight wire, chains and rocks. It was pretty cool and the creativity they had was awesome.