I am looking to buy supplements for this summer. Just some background, I am turning 21, and have been working out for about 6-7 years. Things did not start really piecing themselves together until this year. Regardless, I take training incredibly seriously. This summer, I will have very few, if any distractions from my body. I will be working full time, and living on my own.
My diet is going to be spot on. In all honesty, I have most of my working out/life in order. I am just looking to take things to the next level. In terms of goals, I am 180 right now, probably around 10-12%. I’d like to be 190 at ~8, maybe a little less.
I am looking to invest some money to make this an extremely productive summer. I don’t want to put a “cap” on the amount, because I feel no amount of money invested in bettering my physique is a waste, so long as it does better me.
Regardless, can you guys make some recommendations as to what you think I should invest in? I have the following things on my “to-buy” list:
Mineral Support
Metabolic Drive- low carb
Other than that, any other suggestions to add on? Would it be a good idea to throw either MAG-10/Anaconda or both on the list? Also, I would like to add a pre-workout to cycle a couple times a week - any suggestions that would work well with what I plan on already taking? Would the anaconda protocol stacked with Indigo work out well with Indigo? Should I look into getting Surge or Power Drive?
I just want to re-iterate how dedicated I am to this. I know many people have concerns about diet or training. I am doing great with my current training/diet, I am just looking to take it to the next level.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.