Hello, I need some help in changing/adapting my workout routine. Last week and this week I have been training pretty heavy, what I do is this, I gradually increase the weight until I can barely get that last rep done, usually at the 5th rep. I train 5 times a week early in the morning. My rep/sets are usually 5x5 working one exercise per body part.I usually do an upper body day then a lower body day. I change each exercise every training session. Right now, I feel like my body has had enough punishment and I need to do something different. I feel that my body is at a plateau. So my question is what do I do now? I have a power rack and various dumbbells and bands in my garage. I appreciate any input given, thanks.
Why not look through the site, find real program, and follow it? Easy peasy.
To me this seems like a too much volume, especially if your lifts are to failure(or shy to it).
Maybe do 1 week just light work with bands and lighter dumbbells 3 times a week full body with limited volume and then the week after start more heavy with smother progression?
These seem like two conflicting bits of information. Are you needing to give your body a break, or to break through a plateau?
5x a week training heavy, yea of course your going to be burnt out. You aren’t giving your body time to recover.
Are you eating enough?
That’s a great question, it is more of a plateau problem then a recovery problem. If I continued this trend for another week, I would burn myself out. I don’t want to reach that point, that is why I mentioned what my body is feeling.
Yes, I eat pretty well. I am currently at my heaviest. I eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per lb
It’s time for periodization. You’ve been training in the low rep range: now you need to train in a higher rep range. You’ll still have to work hard. Consider deloading between hand. A 5/3/1 program would set you up well.
So what that would look like would be for example 2 weeks at a progressive overload then a week of light work?
I appreciate the feedback, are we talking about 6-8 rep range or like a 8-12? what percentage would you work at in those higher rep ranges, pertaining to a max percentages? I will look into that program, I have heard great things about that program.
Looking into that program will answer the previous questions you had far better than I can.
I Appreciate it, thank you.
Read 10 Dan John articles on Tnation part of site.
Yeah look into 531 also
ideally get one of the books and start off with triumvirate template or BBB( original not the challenge)
If you are eating well and sleeping enough, anything else outside of drugs will have a very minor, almost inconsequential effect. You have to pay attention to your day job as well. If you’re fortunate to work at an office setting, you’ll be fine. But if it’s physical labor, you’d have to make adjustments. Either reduce training volume or find a different job.
I’ll be the devil’s advocate and say he shouldn’t. Specific training programs are training wheels.
Perhaps if he gives us the details of his program and we see red flags, then it’s time to talk. But if he is growing in a balanced way and is not getting super beat up, and making progress, why change?
Yeah, I have a pretty sedentary job. I work in the school system. I get plenty of sleep and I eat pretty well. I think the key issue for me is not being very organized. I normally do a 4 week cycle of progressive overload and on the 5th week I would usually max out. Then I would calculate my percentage from my max and use that (75% of max) percentage as a guide to restart the cycle. I would add 5% each week. I have made progress slowly but I feel that I am going about it in the wrong way. I have never dedicated myself to a program, so I am going to try the 531 program and reevaluate my progress in a a couple of months.
I’d like to see your current program if that’s okay.
You seem to be doing one of those linear periodization things. Which is good. But if you’re a newbie with like a 175-pound bench press… Then perhaps Starting Strength might be a better option.
For this week 80% of max, on flat bench I got up to 290 for 5 reps, squat for 320 for 5, deadlift 330 for 5. They were all at a rpe of 7 on the last set. This week is my second week of my cycle. Those are also my main lift days so one main exercise each day with supplementary exercises paired with them, and then on my other two days I do like an incline bench, dumbbell squat or lunges and then a trap bar deadlift. The dumbbell squat and trap bar deadlift I like to do on the same day (morning then night). In total I workout 5 days a week. Squat, bench, deadlift, incline bench, dumbbell squat and trap bar deadlift. On my off days I’m walking and stretching.
Why? You are in no position to give diet or training advice.