Couldn’t resist.
I hear almonds are the best. Basicallly I need a new snack for in between meals. Are almonds good? I prefer peanuts and cashews but I dunno which are best.
BTW almonds are expensive =[
Couldn’t resist.
I hear almonds are the best. Basicallly I need a new snack for in between meals. Are almonds good? I prefer peanuts and cashews but I dunno which are best.
BTW almonds are expensive =[
Go mixed. I usually avoid legumes (peanuts).
not brazil nuts, they are higher in radiation than most other foods by around 2000 times.
Almonds are top.
Then Walnuts.
Then Pecans.
Then it doesn’t really matter what you get. Actually, Peanuts go here, because they’re hella cheap.
Cashews are high in sat fat, which isn’t THAT bad, but still comparatively poor.
And brazil nuts apparently give you superpowers, or whatever.
The above scale I more or less put together based upon a couple of mens health articles. The top ones have more Vitamin E and more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and more protein. I don’t think it makes a big difference. I always buy peanuts. Hella cheap. And I’m still breathing.
is it a good food to snack on quite frequently or in moderation. I’m not saying throwing down pounds of nuts a day but I also dont want to over do it. I just need the healthy fats
[quote]FatAss2008 wrote:
is it a good food to snack on quite frequently or in moderation. I’m not saying throwing down pounds of nuts a day but I also dont want to over do it. I just need the healthy fats[/quote]
well, how much are you eating?
Average serving (1/4 cup nuts) has about 170 kcal and 8g protein. Factor that into your nutrition. How much DO you need to eat?
[quote]FatAss2008 wrote:
is it a good food to snack on quite frequently or in moderation. I’m not saying throwing down pounds of nuts a day but I also dont want to over do it. I just need the healthy fats[/quote]
If that is you in your avatar I say you are doing fine and just follow your instincts, they will not betray you.
[quote]elano wrote:
DEEZ NUTZ!![/quote]
Beat me to it.
Nuts are an excellent source of antioxidants, so yes it is definitely a good food to make a staple in your diet. You could also snack on seeds, like sunflower or pumpkin seeds, for similar benefits. However, you should try to find a quality source of nuts, not the Planters crap, and the same goes for seeds. I’ve grown accustomed to eating raw nuts daily (that doesn’t sound right at all haha), and if you’re looking for maximum health benefits I’d go for the raw as well. I personally try to eat a variety as to avoid any sort of food allergies and to keep my taste buds fresh.
Here is a breakdown on the information of nuts and seeds from the Vegetarian Society - .
I hear that Cartman’s nuts are dry.
great nutrition
great fat profile
very filling
moderately anti-inflammatory
my vote goes to almonds. specifically these.
walnuts are technically a fruit.
[quote]mrodock wrote:
not brazil nuts, they are higher in radiation than most other foods by around 2000 times.[/quote]
Please explain.
they contain selenium, a unstable and weakly radioactive metal. Small amounts of selenium (read SMALL) have been shown to support prostate health. Read up on it.
Selenium from natural sources is not radioactive.
The only radioactive selenium is artificially produced via nuclear reaction or as a component of nuclear waste.
That has no relevance to Brazil nuts.
The tiny amount of radiation in Brazil nuts (“2000” times virtually zero is still near zero) is not from selenium, but radium and resulting radon.
However I don’t doubt there are “health food” type sources that make the claim that you have stated above: I am not saying you made it up, only that it is not right.
I’d go with almonds: if you have a health food store nearby they will probably have ‘tamari’ almonds, which are almonds which were soaked in tamari spices during the drying process - it adds a little kick to them, and is nutritionally negligible.
I like to mix almonds, shelled sunflower seeds, raisins and occasionally beef jerky in small plastic bags for the smaller meals of the day.
[quote]mrodock wrote:
not brazil nuts, they are higher in radiation than most other foods by around 2000 times.[/quote]
Shit! Are you serious? I eat something like 50 grams a day b/c they are high in Selenium and Vitamin E. Also, they are high in fat and protein, while being low in carbs (for nuts). So, what might months of eating said nuts do, in terms of the radiation factor?
edit: Whoops, just read the rest of the thread. I’m a moron. Carry on!
No, just mrodock
Selenium is good for you although it is definitely not a magic bullet. And it is definitely not a reason to eat 100g of nuts.
Wahlnuts are good for Low Carb high Protein nuts.