What is the Best Workout for Training 3 Days a Week?

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
In your opinion, what is better for my 3 days workout? Same bro split, push pull legs, or to have same A and B training and make it ABA and BAB per week (push-pull is that i think). My goals are streght and hypertrophy. Also i have about 4.5 years of experience in gym, but as always I want same better.
If is here same good article i would be happy if you sent me link.
Thank you a lot!

How are you going to make a bro split fit into 3 days a week?

Weā€™d at least have to see your plans for each of those three splits

What are your training goals?


Super Squats

5/3/1 Building the Monolith (3 days of lifting)

Wanna know the secret about training 3 days a week? It SUCKS. You have to work SUPER hard on those 3 days.


ā€œBetterā€ isnā€™t really a thing because there are a bunch of variables involved. Wendlerā€™s 5/3/1 isnā€™t better than 5x5, itā€™s different.

What progress have you seen since you started? Weight gain, strength PRs, etc.?

Tons of articles explain how to make three days a week work great. These took about 12 seconds to find:


Maybe off-topic, but has ā€œbro splitā€ come to pretty much mean one or two bodyparts a day? I thought it simply referred to directly training each muscle, as opposed to working movement patterns.

So, I thought chest/shoulders/tris, back/bis, quads/hams/calves would be a bro split. Itā€™s also, not coincidentally, exactly the same as push, pull, legs.


Thatā€™s always been my understanding, but I could easily be wrong. I figure a 3 day a week bro split is inevitably going to end up looking like push/pull/legs with a different name.

Edit: or exactly what you said. Iā€™ll see myself out.


Lots of good article links above which you could have found with a search in 10 secs. Just pick something you like and work hard. Donā€™t wish to sound like a dick (which means I will). If you have been training over 4 years and you couldnā€™t figure out a 3 day plan or find a 3 good day plan I have to question what have you been doing for the last 4 years? Maybe your question was lost in translation and you wanted to know me something more specific ??

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This is probably just my interpretation, because thereā€™s obviously no concrete explanation of ā€˜bro-anythingā€™, but I honestly considered anything under 4 days a week to not be a bro split.
Upper/Lower - 2-4 days.
Full Body - 2-3 days
PPL - 3-6 days
Bro Splits - 4-6 days

Now, in my world, you COULD have a bro split that was a PPL, but it would be set up something like chest/shoulders/tris, back/bis, quads/hams/calves, and then another bis/tris day, or something like that. The frequency of the workouts do contribute to my definition of a bro split. My most classic ā€˜bro splitā€™ picture that I have is a 5-day split, monday-friday, chest/back/legs/shoulders/arms.

This is all super silly and based off of nothing more than my own thoughts about the subject, by the way. Itā€™s more that when I imagine someone training 3 days a week, I could see bros all over being outraged, like ā€˜bro ya missin some serious gainz broā€™.

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Sorry fellas but itt ainā€™t a bro-split without a dedicated arm day (and one leg day, none of this quads day / hams day garbage).

The ideal bro-split is 5 days on paper and 3 actual training days (you donā€™t actually do leg and back days)


Donā€™t have anything to add to the discourse myself but these two articles breaks down various approaches which might have some benefit to the OP

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