Hi everyone.
I’ve been reading a lot of threads here on the forums lately, and I came across something that bugged me.
I read lots of statements, mainly from very experienced and knowledgeable users, like “if being a bodybuilder is what you’re after, don’t train us in 5/3/1 or [other strength-focused program]. Train like a physique athlete instead.” or “you have to do what it takes to look like a bodybuilder if you want to look like one”.
So I’ve been wondering what, besides the obvious, is really specific to physique training. Most likely, diet wise the tried and true approach of lots of protein, complex carb etc. holds true whether you’re training for physique purposes or strength, but when it comes to training, there’s something I can’t totally grasp.
The reason being that most people tend to say that “anything works, provided you’re consistent with it”. I believe this to be true, although I’m no seasoned lifter and I don’t have a whole ton of experience yet. Still, what I would like to discuss in this topic is: when you guys talk about training specifically for size, what is more optimal? Since I’m not really interested in developing strength I would like to optimize my training and align it with my goals.
For example, there is lots of debate about whether time under tension is the most important factor for growth versus load.
So what has your experience been like?
I’m currently in the second week of a slightly modified version of PHAT program (I’ve basically taken out the leg strength day turning it into a 4 day split because quite frankly I don’t have much interest in developing my legs, which are pretty big compared to my upper body already and I would rather spend more time recovering — I’m getting ready for the name calling lol) and I’m wondering if that’s good enough for my goals.