(Sorry for the delayed response – weekends are not my own anymore…they’re taken up by wedding planning and the newphews’ football and soccer games and stuff…)
Judging by the pictures I could find, I wouldn’t say that you have any strong points yet. That’s not a bad thing at all; your physique flows together quite nicely. Since I can only see pictures of you from the front, I’d say that your upper chest needs some work because your collar bone is quite evident all the way across your body. So working on that will make some dominoes fall:
Adding more size to your upper chest will inherently add more size to your front delts.
Having more size in your front delts and upper chest will make your upper trans seem more non-existent. So, I’d also work on those.
Having more size in your front delts will inherently make your side and rear delts seem smaller/out of proportion, so I’d work those guys too.
If you develop better rear delts and upper traps, but your lower traps and rhomboids are still the same, that will look funny.
So, I suppose what I’m saying is this: You look good, but you aren’t what many would term ‘developed’. Thus, for aesthetic purposes, I would continue to just develop everything; for illusion purposes, I would place emphasis on your upper back, upper chest, and delts.
And, like @Chris_Colucci said, don’t skip legs or think they are overpowering your upper body. Unless you’re Ben Pakulski, that’s probably not the case. Plus, training legs has benefits: (1) It will release a lot of hormones which can help speed up your metabolism (aid in fat loss) and (2) keep you in a more anabolic state (help build muscle); (3) Having a stronger base (increased stability) will help you be stronger in your upper body lifts and being stronger more likely that not leads to being bigger; (4) training heavy for legs (front/back squats/ Conventional/Romanian/Stiff-Legged Deadlifts, Lunges, etc) will inherently work your back and shoulders just from holding/stabilizing weights.
@EyeDentist has laid out, in my opinion, nearly a perfect training plan for aesthetic priorities. Plus, it’s just a good read in general, if you haven’t already read it:
Not to ruffle any feathers, but you guys realize that jay is an average framed guy of about 5’9 with a ton (270 lbs stage weight!) of muscle whilw most strongmen are freaks on terms of structure and overall size right?
My Brother in law (strongman/PL) has wrists (bone circumference) the size of most people’s forearms -lol
Yeah, it is what I am getting at. “Building mass” is different from bodybuilding. Lots of really big dude out there, but it isn’t what people are looking for.
That has nothing to do with building mass and everything to do with most heavy weight strongman are giants. Show me an average height strongman that dwarfs on Olympian.
Giant of a man. But with that, him holding some fat is gonna make him “bigger” than a leaner huge bodybuilder.
We had good discussions back in the day on the difference between “big” being taking up physical space vs being muscular. Lots of multihundred post flame threads, haha.