Sorry, it is my last post for asking you to help:
I still do need advice. Some details:
I will set up my diet (mantainance calorie) which takes 1-2 weeks.
Now i would consider to set up my cut with orthodox religious fasting in combination, because 1.) of social context, 2.) maybe genetics, so it may work or not.
I just fast wednesday and friday (not chronic), i consider to adjust this eat stop eat thing. So to eat some protein with lunch, and eat something at evening. Lets say 12+20:00. maybe 1200 calories.
I think i will eat some fruits, seems to lower stress a little bit (the right doses), of course some electrolytes and other stuff like ashwangandha.
On the other days i go hclf (but some fat, maybe 50-60 grams). Monday, Thuesday and Thursday a very small deficit, saturday and sunday slight calorieplus, to load.
Again highcarb, a little fat - just to have a little anabolism/rest.
So my very important question here: can i give it a try? I would train Mo/Thue/Thursday/saturday. So i think i must do gap workout Thuesday.
Of course on the long run, there is not only one plan A. I have to be flexible and i will allways try to lose moderate fat. Lets say 500grams a week, its ok. First weeks maybe a little more.
Some detail 2. and 3. question:
Is it wise to take ashwagandha direct after training? Because i am not sure. The body needs stress response do adapt, and maybe this stuff works like antioxidant, it surpresses some things, i read?
I have asthma, want to change gym with sauna. I read maybe you gain a little bit after training, is it right?
So i think i know all the main stuff to have success.