26/M working out for 7 years. I started my diet (20 week) and this is my 11th week and I already had to cut back to around 2000 calories on training days (5-6 times a week), and around 1800-1850 on no training days, based on my daily morning weight in.
Before this year, I put myself in the “skinny fit” category. After around 5 months stop, I restarted my usual gym session, but with 5-6 times a week training plan (before 3-4), not really checking my macros, only protein intake(2g / bodyweight), plus I added creatine. This resulted that I went from 82 kg to 95 kg, and had great improvements, although a lot of fat came with it. I did some calculations and compared myself to bodyfat estimation pictures, and came in the ~25% group.
I started to research through Jeremy Ethier, and made my diet plan as precise as possible and dropped from around 3000 calories to 2500. My goal is 12 percent BF. The calculations based on the videos, showed that this will take around 20 weeks to get down to 12 percent BF with an objective to minimise muscle loss during dieting. As I learned around 0.6 kg / week weight loss is ideal, as weekly fat loss is given, so no need to hurry. Macros are 45% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 20% fat. More or less fat is a problem, but managable.
For the last two weeks, I’ve been stuck between 87-88 kg, so I cutted back my calories as I started my post to around 1800 and today I’m at 87.4 kg and at the end of the week, I should be at 86.4. But as it is summer (I was stupid enough to start now), it is really hard as I feel more weak and hungry, which is natural, I know, but as I have left still around 9 weeks, I don’t really see how I can maintain this, or even lower calories, if my progress and weight loss will stuck again. I can add cardio with which I can increase my daily calories intake, but I don’t really want to increase the chance for muscle loss.
The question is to those who made similar long term diet plan to any tips, how to approach the second part of the diet? Or is it possible to maybe to extend even longer with similar macros with the goal to maintain calories / weight for example for 30 weeks and still achieve the goal bodyfat without any calorie deficit? Thank you for reading and for your support in advance.