I am a somewhat older martial artist (have practice all kinds off martial arts since the age off 15, I am now 51).
Since a few years I dont compete anymore an I try to train street fight realistic, so I want to be in as good shape as I can.
When I train with heavy weights (and on a certain point you have to go realy heavy otherwise you dont get stronger) I get most off the time back problems or something like that.
So I was thinking that maybay training with kettlebells could be a good idea.
Now I have twe kettlebells (20 kilo and 24 kilo) and I have started with ETK from Pavel.
But I want to do more with these things.
They say you can build a lott off strengt and endurance witht these things.
And most off the time I read when you train at home with a barbell and dumbells you cant get so strong because they bench that you have cant take that weight (or yourself because I dotn have a spotter).
I have read much to about Crossfit to and was thinking to incoperate these WOD’s into my routine.
Most off them are short and when you scale them first they are nice to do. Everyday a diferente workout.
Because off my work, famlly and off ourse my martial arts training I dont have hours a day to train the so-called supplementary training.
Ny advice?