G’day guys
I was just wondering what a typical diet looks like for some of you because Id like to steal your meal plans if possible.
I know Im hitting my calorie intake or I’d be losing weight but its lacking in a lot of health benefits (too little omega 3, too much salt, saturated and trans fatty acids)
With an information overload on whats good and not good to eat, Im kind of lost on what a good basic healthy diet would be (excluding supplements) .
I’m known to eat almost anything and my friends are astounded on the concoctions I can come up with and eat so taste is not the most important thing, ease of preparation and hitting most of my macro/micro nutrient intakes are.
My maintenance calorific intake should be 3500.
But thats not really important I can scale up or down on what yours are.
So if you have few spare minutes can you give an idea of what your daily diet looks like.