Okay, due to several events over the past year I have found myself somewhat out of shape. My main goal is to get back to my old form of about 220 @ 11% BF. Right now I’m around 213 @ 16% BF. So should I drop some fat first and then add back the muscle. Or should I go with a clean bulk and try and gain as much lean mass as possible?
Anyone wanna help me out here.
If your just getting back to exercising, I would take it easy 3 day a week weights 40 min, 2 days cardio 20 min, get you nutrition dialed in then after 12 weeks look at where you are and then strt adjusting diet and exercise towards you goal leaning out or adding muscle. My view is to add the muscle first because when you loose the fat some muscle is bound to go with it, even if you up the protien and don’t cut the k-cals to hard and fast.
Hey Dude,
If you’re just getting back into the game then you probably don’t need to do very much to get decent results.
I’d start nutritionally by reading John Berardi’s “Seven Habits” article. No bulking or cutting process in mind. Just get your habits back in order.
Similarly, ease back into your training. Don’t do too much too fast. Once you feel that you’ve got the habits established (i.e., planning and hitting all of your workouts AND eating all your meals) then you could select a goal.
Generally I prefer that idea of cutting then adding mass, but it comes down to personal preference.
I’m not just getting back into it. Its just my training has been average at best and my diet has been horrible for the past 2-3 months.
hello aiden. I seem to be in the same boat as you right now, albeit not nearly as big, and the question I had to ask myself was: “What is my biggest goal?”. I have gone with the fat loss side since summer is upon us and I am more disgusted with my gut than my biceps. So how about you? Biotest makes supps for building mass AND losing fat so just decide on your main goal and act accordingly. Hope this helps you.
Hey, I agree with the earlier response that sort of hinted on this.
I would first simply clean the diet up and start out eating at or just above your maint. level.
You should have a good amount of muscle memory that will give you some decent gains fairly quickly. Allowing you to make newbie type gains for a short while, gaining back muscle and shedding fat.
I would try this for a month or so then decide wiether to cut/bulk, or maintain.
Hope this helps. Good luck, kick some but and keep us informed on your progress.