What Brand of Power Briefs?

Any one use any power briefs while training or in comps and if so what brand seem the best?

For events work the Inzer Power Pants are probably your best option. They are relatively inexpensive ($35) and will provide you with good support without restricting you as much as some heavy duty briefs would. For moving events you still may want to go with groove briefs which will allow for even better mobility, and they only run around $20.

Rehband / Vulkan warm shorts are another good option for warmth and compression, or even regular under armor material compression shorts.

What specific events are you thinking about using them for?

Tire flipping mostly just for the support, I figured the Inzer Power pants were the way to go


So what kind of support do you get our of these power pants? Are they just tight so they keep your hips warm… has anyone’s squat or DL gone up right away from putting these on? I’m trying to put more strongman work into my workouts and may try a competition in March so I’m trying to figure out what equipment I really need.

If it help, I’m 32 year old, been lifting since I was 18, lifting seriously (squats, DL, heavy stuff) for about 5 years now. 6’ tall, 210lbs, 420DL, 300 squat, 280 bench.

Thanks for any help in advance!


I will let you know when I get them

I have the INZER power pants and I only use them for squats. They provide good stability and only really support at around parallel. So if your weak points are low in the squat, you will see some instant gains from them, but not much. But for $30, its worth the money.

I can’t see them being too effective for strongman comps tho, I can’t even deadlift with the powerpants on because it throws me off. So I would think they would just sap my energy during the event. But everyone is different, let me know if they help your stability in deadlifts/strongman.

On a somewhat related note; I was wondering if anyone has/does use the Rehband warm pants, and if so how much compression do they give you. Lets say in comparison to underarmor compression shorts.

Just got my power pants used them for some Dls worked great, just gave a nice pop of the bottom. Lots of support

i like them for wide box squats, helps protect the hips and provide support off the box. i can get 50 lbs out of them.