I’d skipped over this thread, because the original question
came down to, “If I take 1.75 grams per week of steroids,
how well is this going to work?” And the answer of course
is, it is going to be effective. As to whether it is the safest or
most sensible cycle for a steroid novice, I would have
thought the answer is, obviously not. It is overkill. It seemed like the question answered
itself basically so I skipped it.
I got an e-mail saying my name was coming up in the
replies and I ought to look at it.
All I can say is that some people have mythical ideas about
what 50 mg/day, 350 mg/week of Dianabol will do.
Sometimes it does rather little, other times it does rather
well: there’s a lot of variation but there’s an average and that
average is not, from reports of a lot of athletes over the
years, better than what people are reporting for Androsol.
Ditto for my personal experiences.
If you have averages that are the same, but a lot of
variation, then of course, you will find some cases where B
did better than A but also those where A did better than B.
Pointing out a case here or there proves nothing about the
You find me ONE reference in the bb’ing “literature” where it
says you can expect to add more than 6-10 lb LBM, not counting
estrogenic water retention, from 2 weeks on nothing but
Dianabol at 50 mg/day. Actually with that dosage and
nothing else, usually results other than bloat are only just
starting to be noticed at that point!
350 mg/week of steroid usage, if that’s all that’s being used,
is on average pretty marginal, and that’s true for a
Dianabol-only cycle as well.
To the best of my knowledge I’ve been understating it by
saying that 1 gram/day Androsol gives equal results to 50
mg/day Dianabol… in a stack with a Class I I think that is
correct, but by itself it does BETTER on average. Probably
because you not only have very high levels of 4-AD, but you
also have high-normal testosterone, while with the
Dianabol-only cycle your testosterone is low normal or even
below normal.
On average though, 50 mg/day Dianabol as the only
steroid, is not that much of a cycle for most users, and
Androsol at 1 gram/day certainly does at least as well.
Does Androsol have the same placebo effect? Nope, you
probably will feel you have something far more powerful by
having the illegal steroid. Does 4-AD give the same water
retention? No.
There is no way that reports of observations can compete
with a myth: if you have mythical ideas about the power of
Dianabol, you will never believe what I say.