What bout stackin this...

Hey my friend is trying to figure out the best safe bulking cycle to gain 20lbs. of muscle in 6 weeks. HE CAME UP WITH THIS…
Week 1
1/2g Sostenon
1/2g T200
400mg Deca
5 Dinabol per day

Week 2-4
1/2g Sostenon
1/2g T200
400mg Deca
10 Dinabol per day

Week 5-6
1/2g Sostenon
1/2g T200
400mg Deca
5 Dinabol per day
25mg Clomid per day

Week 7-8
25mg Clomid per day

He plans to eat 3750cal. per day consuming food every 2.5 hours along with proper supplementation and he plans to work out 6 days per week hitting each body part twice. I thought it sounded logical except for the T200 and he said it was because he couldn't afford any more Sostenon(for the gramabol). This is his first cycle like this, he weighs 222lbs. with about 18% body fat, he has 2 years experience training and plan on going from 18% to 8 in 15 weeks. After he's done with this he plans on using Winstrol, Clen, and Equipoise to cut the rest of his body fat. What do you think of this Rookie?

I would ditch the T200, 1/2 g. of SOS is plenty stacked with Dbol and Deca. Also, I would go with Clomid the entire cycle.

I agree with AndrewGenic about ditching the T200. I also see no reason why he should change (taper) his dosage of Dbol. Have your friend do 5 dbol/day and with the 500mg/week of Sus and 400mg/week of Deca. Most importantly, have your friend consume at least between 4,500-5,500 calories daily and at least 2g of protein or 444 grams in your friend’s case. Also, he shouldn’t be lifting 6 days/week. You said working out but does that mean with weights?? I hope not.

Keep the stack the way you had it. The only thing I would change is use androsol instead of d-bol it is cheaper and the gains will be as good!! Plus use clomid the whole cycle. Follow scott’s advice and up the cals. Good luck

do not ditch the dbol for androsol–come on now

Do you have any experience with Steroids or has the forum just been pumping your adolescent mind with this absurd mediocrity. How could you say that Dbol and Androsol are even in the same playing field. Look I truly love Androsol and I understand you can gain a good amount of weight from it but by NO MEANS does it compare to 25-50mgs. of Dbol per day. Androsol is great because it is legal and practically non-toxic to the liver, where as Dbol fucks your Liver like a rabid monkey in heat and it is totally illegal (well in the US anyway). I would really like some backing from BILL, BROCK, or ANY of the T-mag staff. As great as Androsol and other Pro-Hores are they just don’t give you the gains that large doses of Juice do. Now maybe if you take 5mgs. of Dbol you might get similar results to that of the Androsol but how many people do you know Juicing that only take 5mgs.?

good call andrew!! there is no way that androsol can compare to 5 dbols a day, and hell would freeze over before it compared to 10 dbols a day , which was the dosage in the original post–tell your buddy to keep it to 5 dbols a day–10 might be too harsh on the liver. I hate it when people make stupid comments about things like that–if you arent sure in what you are writing, dont post anything.

Does anyone have an opinion on the Cutting cycle (Winstrol, Clen, and Equipoise) that is posted at the end and is 10-dbol per day really that bad???

Sorry, I guess Bill Roberts (who you asked to back you up) clouded my adolescent mind when he suggested that Androsol compared to 50mg of D-bol per day.

I’d say that I would have to agree with jesse. Bill Roberts did state that androsol did compare to 50mg’s d-bol/day. Jesse’s right.

It would be nice to get a response from Bill or Brock. So Jesse what you are saying is that you believe everything you read. I think what Bill was trying to say is that with Dbol some of your gains are due to water retention where as Androsol gives you true gains so in his mind they are compairable. Now I’ve actually seen someone put on 12lbs. of muscle in a month with Androsol but I’ve also seen the same person put on 25lbs. with Dbol on the same diet not to mention the extrodinary strength gainand. Now, he only gained 2% body fat on the Dbol. So, I hope that a Guru with at least as much first hand knowlege (not book knowlege) as I have has the big cahones to respond (or little cohones if your coming off a cycle).

I’d skipped over this thread, because the original question
came down to, “If I take 1.75 grams per week of steroids,
how well is this going to work?” And the answer of course
is, it is going to be effective. As to whether it is the safest or
most sensible cycle for a steroid novice, I would have
thought the answer is, obviously not. It is overkill. It seemed like the question answered
itself basically so I skipped it.

I got an e-mail saying my name was coming up in the
replies and I ought to look at it.

All I can say is that some people have mythical ideas about
what 50 mg/day, 350 mg/week of Dianabol will do.
Sometimes it does rather little, other times it does rather
well: there’s a lot of variation but there’s an average and that
average is not, from reports of a lot of athletes over the
years, better than what people are reporting for Androsol.
Ditto for my personal experiences.

If you have averages that are the same, but a lot of
variation, then of course, you will find some cases where B
did better than A but also those where A did better than B.
Pointing out a case here or there proves nothing about the

You find me ONE reference in the bb’ing “literature” where it
says you can expect to add more than 6-10 lb LBM, not counting
estrogenic water retention, from 2 weeks on nothing but
Dianabol at 50 mg/day. Actually with that dosage and
nothing else, usually results other than bloat are only just
starting to be noticed at that point!

350 mg/week of steroid usage, if that’s all that’s being used,
is on average pretty marginal, and that’s true for a
Dianabol-only cycle as well.

To the best of my knowledge I’ve been understating it by
saying that 1 gram/day Androsol gives equal results to 50
mg/day Dianabol… in a stack with a Class I I think that is
correct, but by itself it does BETTER on average. Probably
because you not only have very high levels of 4-AD, but you
also have high-normal testosterone, while with the
Dianabol-only cycle your testosterone is low normal or even
below normal.

On average though, 50 mg/day Dianabol as the only
steroid, is not that much of a cycle for most users, and
Androsol at 1 gram/day certainly does at least as well.

Does Androsol have the same placebo effect? Nope, you
probably will feel you have something far more powerful by
having the illegal steroid. Does 4-AD give the same water
retention? No.

There is no way that reports of observations can compete
with a myth: if you have mythical ideas about the power of
Dianabol, you will never believe what I say.

Well there you have it, a solid statement from the Great Bill Philipps I mean Roberts… (sorry I couldn’t help myself.) Actually your 100% right, as usual. But, I wonder if you compare a one month cycle of each what the out come will be. I was doing something really stupid and comparing a one moth cycle of Dbol to a two week cycle of androsol. I’ll tell you again that I was just plain stupid on that call. But my guess is that a cycle of 50mg/day of Dbol will produce better results than 1 gram of 4AD/day unless he maybe took it I.M… I guess I have a lot of work to do. Bill, so what kind of cycle would you recommend for this guy to take?

Just a thought… Perhaps skip the deca on the last week, since it stays in your system so damn long. I figure that it could mean up to 2 weeks faster recovery of endogenous t production, while probably not compromising gains much (if any). Another thought, continue the d-bol, morning only dosage (as per so many posts on this bb), through week 7.

Last thing, get something for your liver (LIV-52, milk thistle, etc.). Anecdotally, I’ve heard that it works and it’s cheap. t.