First Cycle: Dianabol + My Stats

hello guys

This is going to be my first time using roids. and i have been readin for a while. i’m an athlete going on
Dianabol Methandrostenol for about 3-4 weeks.

i have been lifting for 3 years of and on. but for past 6-8 months i have been doing it straight.

box squat:305

i wanted to know should i do more of a split workout or a full body and hit every muscle???

you are too young to use the gear.
Also from your stats it’s easy to see that you have not enough experience in training and eating to use PED.

AAS and related are an “advanced tool”.

You can improve a lot just fixing eat and training.

So… “squat and milk”

seriously man, you sound skinny. your lifts are ‘alright’ but you need to get a lot bigger and stronger naturally before you juice up. or don’t, and see what the consequences are long term…

If you are only using D-bol then I would go 8010 weeks at least.

I would also take whatever advice about you not being “advanced” enough or too young not to heart from internet forums, the only person that can tell you if you are ready is you and only you know your genetics and their limits.

an yadvice on any internet forum is suspect anymore as idiots spout off shit more than ever now days.

You are currently no where near ready to use steriods. Read the articles on this site regarding diet/nutrition and training and theres no reason you should not be put on 20-50 lbs within a short amount of time. The reason I stated 20-50 is that we are unaware of your height.

If you are over 6 ft tall and any less than 200+ lbs then you have no where near reached your natural potential. Currently your natural test levels are likley at the same place a 40 year olds would be on a mild cycle.
See YA

If you had researched, you would not have asked if this is an acceptable cycle. We would say its a bad cycle for even experience AAS users.

You need to research these drugs a long time before you ever consider taking them.

seriously you have so much room for inprovement. i benched more than you at 16. do yourself a favor put on 20 natural pounds and at least 50 pounds on bench and squat.

thanks guys for all ur responses, the thing is its very hard for to put on weight. i have ball, work school and my metabolism is very high and for the bad bench i have a shoulder problem. cant i just go on it for 3 weeks then QUIT???

TO tell the truth i will be done playing college ball in next 2-3 years i’m just looking to add some muscle mass now. and i’m 6’2.


It’s not a good cycle. You won’t keep your gains and will just wind up throwing away your first cycle. A person’s first cycle is their most responsive cycle.

Also, you have not mentioned PCT in any way. You are not ready for a cycle.

[quote]Topathlete wrote:
thanks guys for all ur responses, the thing is its very hard for to put on weight. i have ball, work school and my metabolism is very high and for the bad bench i have a shoulder problem. cant i just go on it for 3 weeks then QUIT???

TO tell the truth i will be done playing college ball in next 2-3 years i’m just looking to add some muscle mass now. and i’m 6’2.[/quote]

Steroids don’t add weight-food does.
If you can’t put on weight naturally-you won’t gain anything from a cycle. You need to eat eat eat.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:
If you are only using D-bol then I would go 8010 weeks at least.

I assume that means 8-10 weeks. D-Bol is 17-Alpha Alkylated. Nice of you to recommend that he trashes his liver along with his hormonal system.

OP: You sound like you just need more food to me. Check out the anabolic diet, lift heavy, and get your body to produce it own gear. Safer AND cheaper.

On a side not do you not get tested? Last time I checked NCAA banned dbol heh. Also just bring food with you at all times and you can get enough calories in. I play college lacrosse and still can get up over 200 lbs in weight and I’m only 5’9".

I just always bring food with me in my bag so that way I have food on me and when I have just a moments spare time I grab some to eat.

you have got to be kidding me-
Again this is another example of people spouting off internet advice that they read off of a steroid board from a “VET”( most Vets are morons).

D-bol for 8-10 weeks is not going to trash your liver. I have known people FIRST HAND that have done Cycles of D-bol at 100mg a day for 6 months to a year at no problems when they came off or during

Drol which is highly regarded as the harshest oral is equal to about 1 beer as far as liver toxicity goes, IT amases me how douchbags like yourself speak before they know what they are talking about. The liver is the most reenerative organ in the body.

people harp on liver toxicity with orals then they go pound beers at the local pub or load up on Asprin when they get a headache( acetomenaphin is the leading cause of liver failure).

Again- we need newbs to quit spouting off information that they have no idea about and are just repeating other uslesss bullshit they have heard on the web.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:
you have got to be kidding me-
Again this is another example of people spouting off internet advice that they read off of a steroid board from a “VET”( most Vets are morons).

D-bol for 8-10 weeks is not going to trash your liver. I have known people FIRST HAND that have done Cycles of D-bol at 100mg a day for 6 months to a year at no problems when they came off or during

Drol which is highly regarded as the harshest oral is equal to about 1 beer as far as liver toxicity goes, IT amases me how douchbags like yourself speak before they know what they are talking about. The liver is the most reenerative organ in the body.

people harp on liver toxicity with orals then they go pound beers at the local pub or load up on Asprin when they get a headache( acetomenaphin is the leading cause of liver failure).

Again- we need newbs to quit spouting off information that they have no idea about and are just repeating other uslesss bullshit they have heard on the web. [/quote]

thats the thing i done drink at all, i have my bro whom is 21 and has been on it of and on for a few months and nothing wronf with him. and most my freinds are all on it since 18-19 and no prob. BUT THE BIGGEST PROB IS I DONT KNOW WAT WILL HAPPEN DOWN THE ROAD

AND i wanna take a pct with it if that will help. BUT I’M TAKING ALL UR ANSWERS INTO CONSIDERATION SO THANK YOU ALL.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:

D-bol for 8-10 weeks is not going to trash your liver. I have known people FIRST HAND that have done Cycles of D-bol at 100mg a day for 6 months to a year at no problems when they came off or during

Your the one that seems to be spouting off and not giving proper information.
Id like to see tests on this subject of yours to see just how well the liver is functioning both before and after 6 months of d bol at 100mg ED.
Please use a bit of common sense before trying to provide information that you feel is relavent.

To the OP- The muscle mass that you are looking to add can eaisly be done with food and proper traning. Study more up on the various nutrition articles on this site. Like was already mentioned, your first cycle can be one of your best if you plan it right and go about all matters the right way.
See YA

[quote]Topathlete wrote:

AND i wanna take a pct with it if that will help. BUT I’M TAKING ALL UR ANSWERS INTO CONSIDERATION SO THANK YOU ALL.

Don’t take offense but here it is. You have no idea what you are talking about and what you are doing which is very dangerous. PCT is post cycle therapy. You don’t take it with it, you take it after. It is not something that will help, its a necessity.

Anyone that tells you to do a cycle is a moron. It may not seem like a big deal now, but 20 years down the road, you could end up with sexual function problems. DO you want to have to pop viagra every time you want to get it on?

I really believe that the liver toxicity is way overrated and that all these people who chase down some antidepressants with booze every night are doing 100 times more damage to their liver then orals do. But either way, doing dbol for 6 months straight is completely stupid.

As I said before, you state that you can’t gain weight. You could do 2 grams of test a week with 200mg of dbol a day and you still wouldn’t gain weight. YOU NEED TO EAT TO GAIN WEIGHT. It’s as simple as that. Lift hard and eat as much as you possible can–you will gain weight.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
jeep69 wrote:

D-bol for 8-10 weeks is not going to trash your liver. I have known people FIRST HAND that have done Cycles of D-bol at 100mg a day for 6 months to a year at no problems when they came off or during

Your the one that seems to be spouting off and not giving proper information.
Id like to see tests on this subject of yours to see just how well the liver is functioning both before and after 6 months of d bol at 100mg ED.
Please use a bit of common sense before trying to provide information that you feel is relavent.

As an example I was taking around 50mg of dbol and 50mg of winny for 5 weeks when I had my liver enzymes tested and the ALT was out of range. (72; range: 20-55U/L) That’s not to say there weren’t other causes, but…

The most shocking surprise was that within that short period of time my HDL was quite low. (0.42; >0.90mmol/L).

I also had previous bloodwork done prior to cycle.

It’s allways a good idea to get some bloodwork done, regardless if you feel alright on and off cycle.

And you shouldn’t be giving second-hand advice that could potentially endager the well-being of others.

I’ve also had a friend whose done high doses of winny for months on end, yet I wouldn’t follow by his example, at least without some lab work to back it up.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:
you have got to be kidding me-
Again this is another example of people spouting off internet advice that they read off of a steroid board from a “VET”( most Vets are morons).

D-bol for 8-10 weeks is not going to trash your liver. I have known people FIRST HAND that have done Cycles of D-bol at 100mg a day for 6 months to a year at no problems when they came off or during

Drol which is highly regarded as the harshest oral is equal to about 1 beer as far as liver toxicity goes, IT amases me how douchbags like yourself speak before they know what they are talking about. The liver is the most reenerative organ in the body.

people harp on liver toxicity with orals then they go pound beers at the local pub or load up on Asprin when they get a headache( acetomenaphin is the leading cause of liver failure).

Again- we need newbs to quit spouting off information that they have no idea about and are just repeating other uslesss bullshit they have heard on the web. [/quote]

^ That has gotta be one of THE most intelligent posts regarding liver health & C-17 Alkyllated steroids (which give the biggest gains). I’ve been using Dbol for a long time and each time I come off and have values checked the liver values are elevated (big suprise?) but quickly (3 wks max) return to normal. I’m sure alcohol + aceto, and other life style factors are MUCH more harsh on the liver/kidneys than a healthy diet + dbol use.


More questions on 16-20 yrs old kids wanting to get on gear. This is really becoming a frigg’n joke.

The best anabolic is FOOD…more so at this age. I understand the curiosity and all that…but how many are going to listen?

Those pinheads over at T-Nation say I shouldn’t do gear…screw them…I’m going to anyway. PCT??? Can’t afford it…I’ve gotta load up on my D and Drol.


Methadrnostenolone is not “that” hard on the liver IF taken in sane dosage (15-20mg/day). I always laugh when I read of 100mg/day. The only way the body could handle a dosage like that is if the drug is majorly underdosed as most UGL Dbol is. Russuan, Thai, Indian are ALL underdosed to some extent.

Suprisingly alot of the mexican stuff is not. Reforvit-B is from what I’ve seen 25+mg/ml. The only sure way is to brew ur own juice. Injecting Methandro takes on a whole different dosing regimen. I’ve found 2x wk, 3x at the very most regardless of mg/ml is more than frequent enough.