Sorry to be asking that much questions lately, but I need advice
I find my “hold the bench bar and lift” technique innapropriate, I don’t know. I don’t really feel my trapezoids working. Can anyone suggest me a good explained technique please?
Search the site for Paul Chek’s most recent article. It deals quite extensively with trap training and will give you some good exercises as well as techniques to try.
Traps = Trapezius…not trapezoids as the previous posts pointed out.
Depending on what area you want to work…common seated rows work the middle part, whereas shrugs and upright rows qork the upper part. Lateral shoulder raises also work across the upper part of the back.
You probably don’t feel them working since you are either using improper form, not enough weight, not enough reps, or you don’t know what the traps are.
Deltards…I like that…I prefer to work my Bicycles and tricycles together…
I work traps and rhomboids with shoulders and the BEST exercise I’ve found for that area is the “side raise”, where you take 2 dumbells, palms facing in toward your sides, and you plainly just lift up the bells as if you’re stuffing them right under your armpits (you can only go so far). Hold for a count or more, then back down. I do these at the end of my shoulder workout, and even tho I only do a set or 2, my traps and rhomboids are like 2 muscled halves over and tied into my shoulder blades. It’s an awesome exercise!
Much as I like a good roast, and as funny as some of the lines have been in the above responses, I should point out (in the interests of simple humanity) that J-F is most likely not a native speaker of English…and therefore we should all cut him/her a little slack. J-F, would you care to confirm this? Otherwise you’re gonna get fried, man…
Seems like this feller may have something to lend to me…you see, I’m taking this physics class right now, and I’m having some trouble involving this one concept that involves trapezoids…LOL! That is brutal, man…I’ve fallen off my chair three times reading this one! E-Man, you oughta be ashamed of yourself! RedKarate, that sounds like a hella kick-ass lil’ gig there, bro, and I wanna do it up. Oh just to show that I’m contributing: I’ve found that I do much better with dumbbell shrugs, and even better when seated as opposed to standing…it may have something to do with the base of my arse and the height of the DBs, because the formula for area of a trapezoid is…aw, nevermind:-)
No offense, J-F, but this has turned out to be the funniest thread I have ever read on any form. Monkeyboy, I’m still laughing while I’m typing this post. I don’t know why I’m so amused, but that’s some funny shit, deltards. I had to get up and walk to another room and close the door, because I was laughing so loud I thought I was gonna wake up my roommate! Somebody give J-F some help with his traps…
I’ve done something similar to Radkarate’s move in recent weeks, and it does indeed torch the traps. I described it in a previous thread, but I’ll go into it again here. Basically it’s a standing row motion, like a cheated hammer curl with elbows flared, and a dumbell that’s loaded 25% on the upper side, 75% on the lower side. Works bi’s, delts, and traps. I do them one arm at a time, but could be done together as well.
I think we may have something here “GVT 20001”: i.e. Geometric Volume Training. Day one is devoted to everything above 90 degrees (Bicycle curls, Tricycle work with skull-crashers) the next day is 90 degree work such as literal raises and Anal Presses. Day three consists of sub-90 degree work such as sqarts and quadrilateral work. I’m working on several new maneuvers for this system: Calculator curls, Compass twists and pronated protractor Pulls. J-F, rest assured this no longer has anything to do with taking shots at you, rather it’s spawned into yet another misguided excursion into moronic humor. Keep training hard dude.
“MB Eric: Says you’re all a bunch of Deltards. since 1888.”