Westside Seminar Video Package

Im talking about the one available on EliteFTS…does anyone have it and what did you think of it? worth the dough?

also if you do own the video do you know what year the semiar is from and how much the training methods have changed??

id just like to hear some input before i purchase…btw there is a kickass sale goin on :wink:

I’m not sure when the video’s from. I don’t own it, but I attended a live seminar this past February. Tate and Wendler did mention that, the more frequently they do the seminars, the more they realize that people are showing up already with a basic understanding of Westside methods.

So, in the live seminars, it’s a bit less “this is this, and you do it this way” and alot more Q+A with the “audience”, improv almost. I’m sure the video covers everything you need. Combined with their articles over there, and Dave Tate’s contributions here on T-Nation, I’m sure you can figure out whatever you need to.

I’ve got three of Louis Simmons videos. They are all awesome. Louis is the font of all knowledge relating to powerlifting. EliteFTS/Dave Tate is his first deciple. If you buy the video package, I’m sure you’ll like it. If you don’t like the video package mail it to me. I’ve never heard anyone complain about an EliteFTS product.

Yes I saw that sale.

If I were you I would buy the SQ/DL index and the BP index. They go into much more depth regarding form and set-up.

For the basic WSB template you can just read Dave’s articles on T-Nation, and Louie’s stuff over on his site. IMO you don’t need the videos for that.

Good luck,

I will say this first-everything both elite and westside sell are excellent. I recommend them highly. They took me from a 1600lb total to over 2000. If money is tight-then get the 1st squat tape, the first deadlift tape and the latest bench tape. Private message me for more details but you cannot go wrong buying anything from those guys-it is great stuff and after you have learned it you can always re-coup some on ebay by selling the original. Do not rip off those guys by trying to sell dubs-that is crappy.

I have the tape set. I got it off of ebay around christmas time last year. they are really worth the money, I just think of it as an investment.

[quote]JuliusA wrote:

If I were you I would buy the SQ/DL index and the BP index. They go into much more depth regarding form and set-up.

For the basic WSB template you can just read Dave’s articles on T-Nation, and Louie’s stuff over on his site. IMO you don’t need the videos for that.


I agree 100%. I have the seminar tapes, and the best part is when they are in the gym and you can see how to do the form. All the concepts can be read online for free.

Get the bench and squat DVD’s…