[i]Q: Joe,
I just got done reading your Westside for Skinny Bastards article on I must say that it was the best article I?ve ever read on that site and I?ve been following T-Mag since issue #1! I literally couldn?t sleep last night because I was so excited to get to the gym this morning! Now I have 3 questions:
What kind of rest intervals do you prescribe for max effort lifts?
How many reps are you shooting for on your upper body repetition lift?
I would like to incorporate a 2nd lower body day but I don?t have a sled. Can you give a sample ?repetition? leg day for me? Although I?m not huge (yet) I will be able to recover from 2 leg days as I have recently begun my first cycle.
Thanks bro! Keep turning your boyz into animals!!!
A: Rock,
It?s great to see how fired up everyone is about the Modified Westside Program. The responses that I have received regarding my recent article have been overwhelming! I think there?s going to be a lot of big & strong individuals walking around this summer.
Anyway, let?s move onto your questions:
There is no set rest interval for the max effort lift. Generally speaking, my lifting partners and I just go back and forth through the warm-up sets. There is probably between 60 & 90 seconds between warm-up sets. When it comes time for the grand finale, we slow down the pace a little. Personally, I?m stronger if I wait between 3-4 minutes between maximal attempts. Remember, the purpose of max effort day is to lift the most amount of weight possible. If this means taking a longer rest, take your time! You can pick up the pace when you move on to the supplemental lifts.
On your repetition upper body lift you will choose a weight that you can perform approximately 20-35 reps with on your first set. Stick with the same weight for all 3 sets. Record the total number of reps that you performed for all 3 sets. The goal is to perform more reps with the same weight the following week.
Here?s a sample Repetition Lower Body template:
NOTE: Choose exercises from the list that you DIDN?T perform on your 1st lower body day.
A. Unilateral Movement - Perform 3 sets of 15 reps each leg
*Choose from the following list of exercises:
Single leg squats, back leg elevated
Barbell step-ups with knee lift
Barbell reverse lunges
Barbell reverse lunges, front foot elevated
Barbell reverse lunges, front foot elevated (with knee lift)
Low-pulley split squats, front foot elevated
Walking lunges
?Speed-skater? squats (1 and a half rep single leg squats)
Barbell step-ups
B. Posterior Chain / Hamstring movement ? Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps for TWO of the following exercises:
Glute-ham raises
Reverse hyperextensions
Seated or standing good mornings
Leg curls
Romanian deadlifts
Stability ball hamstring lifts
C. Weak Point Training ? Perform 1 exercise for 3-5 sets of a lagging body part
(Common areas include ? upper back, external rotators, abs, grip training, etc.)
Joe D.[/i]
So, 60-90 seconds for warmups and 3-4 minutes on max attempts.