I bought the book of methods about 10 months ago when i finally decided to switch powerlifting routines. It’s been great so far but now I’m contemplating buying the set of DVDs that they have.
It includes:
-Bench Press Secrets DVD
-Bench Press Workouts DVD
-Deadlift Secrets DVD
-Reactive Method DVD
-Special Strengths DVD
-Squat Workout DVD
I was just wondering if anyone has purchased them and if they are worth the money since i cant find any reviews on them online.
My friend lent me his for a while and I watched Vogelpohl XXX before all my workouts, hahaH.
They don’t sell that one anymore [/quote]
It doesnt seem to be sold anywhere anymore. I felt bad for torrenting it, but torrent it I did.
Do yall think it would be a dick move to upload it to youtube? Would I be stealing from the good folks at Westside by doing so? Cause I don’t really want to do that.
Well it will somehow to be dick to download it and but on youtube. But… if you cant get those dvds anymore, its little bit hard get all that good information without loading on youtube.
My 2cents: Would be dick download those dvdees,but would be fucking great that people can learn from master himself
Well actually I’d have to give my phone number to youtube if I wanted to be able to upload it. But I advise you all to use the google on the internet machine and torrent it for yourself.