Westside Barbell Based Program

hi guys. im nick 16yo from greece. i started sports a year ago at 15 and lifting 7 months ago.
with all summer not lifting so serious somehow lifting from september and 20 days of may.
my lifts are

squat 140x2 kgs (pl style)
oly squat 125x3 kgs
conventional deadlift 170kgx1
bench 75x1 kgs

im 180cm and 230 lbs with fat.

so here is a powerlifting-bodybuilding routine i made. i am just training for pleasure not to compete at all.

monday (max squat)
squat: work upto triples. when the weight feels heavy…drop to singles. max out
good mornings 4 sets
leg press 3x10

calves 3x10

wednesday (dynamic bench)
8 sets of 3 reps @60%
3x10 french presses
3x10 military press
3sets close grip bp
3x10 barbell rows

thursday (max effort deadlift)
triples and then 1rm ddl
5x10 hamstrings machine
10 sets hyperextensions (weighted)

friday (dynamic effort squat ddl)
8 sets of ddl and 8 of squat @50% 2 reps
leg press 4x10
leg extension 4x10
calves 3x10

saturday (max bench)
work to triples and then up to 1rm bench
3 sets incline
5x10 skullcrushers
3x10 lat pulldown
3x10 shoulders side raises

i like this programm it involes bbing too

hey man, if it’s for enjoyment, then just go and do it and enjoy it. It’s supposed to be fun.

There are a few holes in the program, and you’ll find the constant maxing tough for awhile.

I would advise you to max, but not full on max out, get as high as you can without much psyche, and call it a day, make sure you can beat it by 5lbs the next week. And take small jumps so your overall volume is high.

Best of luck, if you ever get serious into powerlifting, let me know and I would be more than happy to help out.

[quote]Larry10 wrote:
hey man, if it’s for enjoyment, then just go and do it and enjoy it. It’s supposed to be fun.

There are a few holes in the program, and you’ll find the constant maxing tough for awhile.

I would advise you to max, but not full on max out, get as high as you can without much psyche, and call it a day, make sure you can beat it by 5lbs the next week. And take small jumps so your overall volume is high.

Best of luck, if you ever get serious into powerlifting, let me know and I would be more than happy to help out.[/quote]

here in greece we dont have any pl teams. and in the gym i go we don’t have glute hams or a rack for a good squat or for rack deads. and many other things. band and chains they don’t even know what they are. so if i get lucky and get into a good university then i will put my best to move on america and start powerlifting :smiley: anyway thanks for help :smiley:

Hey man I strongly suggest you not Max out on Squats and Deadlifts on seperate days of the week. I would advise only working up to a Max on one or the other and going lighter on the other. Most people I know even drug assisted would have a hard time doing a a ME Squat and Deadlift and DE Squat and Deadlifts all in the same week.

oops, I missed the max effort deads, good catch reed

although las month except last week when i was ill. i managed to max out on two lifts for 3 weeks. but i am gonna hear your advice and one week i would do max squat and 80% dead and the other max dead and 80% squat.

Good plan you wont go wrong with that.