I fucking hated that movie. I felt embarrassed for the actors in that one. Everything was so contrived, arrrrrg! So naturally my disdain for the movie led me to pretty much disrespect anything associated with it. Well, naturally that was stupid. I heard so folks discussing the ‘300’ workout. And I would kind of dismiss it with an “Oh brother, whatever, get a real program” kind of attitude. Well, I am here to freely admit that I was wrong and I was the dork.
I decided to do some research on it so I know what I am actually besmirching when I am besmirching it. What i found it that I really liked the trainer. I found him actually quite knowledgeable and had a penchant for causing pain. He was into hard training, he believe in it. No bullshit. I liked that. Now while the actual training methodology was one where they practically never did the same routine twice.
I decided to give that ‘test’ a whirl. I must say it did kick my ass quite well. I managed to finish it is 42 minutes and 47 seconds. I reckon that’s not bad for me, especially after 4 days in a row of some intense training prior to it.
I had to improvise a bit, I used dumbbells instead of kettle balls and I jumped on a bench instead of a box. I tell you, I really liked it. It was a good way to cap off the week. I think I will work this in on my last day before resting for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Anybody else ever try the test? what was your time?
My goal is to shave 10 minutes off if it. Not going for a world record or anything.