I wasn’t really an official member of this particular cherished area of the forum until today. Yes, 35 years young. I can honestly say that I’m faster, stronger, bigger and healthier now than I was 10 years ago; actually not too hard to do I guess since I didn’t take the iron game seriously until the last few years.
On the other hand, I feel more aches and pains, endure more wounds engaging in the iron battle, and have more hair growing out of my nose than I care to admit (trust me, I keep those babies trimmed; no metrosexual comments plz).
I sincerely believe I will bigger, stronger, and wiser ten years hence if I continue to do what I have done the last few years. What have I done the last few years to get the results I’ve obtained thus far I hear you asking? Anyone? Anyone? Is that a cricket chirping?
Four things:
Learn. Continuously learn from the writers, strength coaches and experienced members on this kickass site called t-nation. Be an absolute sponge with everything related to building muscle and strength.
Apply. Apply what I’ve learned in small doses to see what works and doesn’t work for me. Change one thing at a time. Do that new program; that new exercise. But always lift heavy things; heavy enough to keep you alert, maybe even a little intimidated when you get under the bar to lift that weight.
Measure. Measure the results of my applied knowledge through the use of the scale, the mirror, the tape measure, and my gym numbers.
and lastly,
Adjust. Adjust when things that were working are no longer working. When you experience a pain, stop doing the thing that caused the pain. Deal with it. Drop the weight, try a different exercise.
If I continue to do those 4 things day after day, week afer week, month after month, year after year, with a warrior’s attitude, I will win in the iron game. I will be stronger, bigger, and wiser at 45 than I am today. I will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment. How about you?
I’m just a “youthful” 31 but am in somewhat of the same boat as you - I’m better now than I was five years ago (and I was training/into it back then as well). In some sense, the aches and pains you mentioned are a blessing - they serve as reminders to stay disciplined. Considering the increasing body of readily available training knowledge and the advancements in supplementation, I don’t think getting older is something to be scared of by the inormed, dedicated trainer.
[quote]Joe Weider wrote:
happy birthday.
Now that you’re 35 I guess you’ll have to change your screen name though, huh? You won’t be nearly so ‘randy’…
Well, it’ll be tough to get rid of the label ‘randy’ since it’s my real name :0
35 ! uh, man, you are nowhere near peaked out on strength gains or physique improvements. You have the best 10 years ahead of you. Don’t waste them. You can still squat with Depends on. Just duct-tape them on real good.
Happy belated birthday! I just watched your avatar spank you on the ass 35 times! I’ve been 35 for a year and a half now and I feel an look better than when I was 27.
“I sincerely believe I will bigger, stronger, and wiser ten years hence if I continue to do what I have done the last few years.”
Happy birthday…And take it from me, yes you will be stronger and bigger 10 years from now…I am going on 45 and have never been as strong or as big as I am now…5’10" and 220 lbs…when I started working out at 30 I was all of 160 lbs.
I just find that I have to listen to my body a lot more now…when my body tells me to take an extra day of rest I listen…I still do my 3-4 workouts a week but some weeks I will only do 2…depends on what my body is telling me.
Hang in there it’s real fun and think about it…most men in our age bracket look like shit…so the ladies look at us a lot more…wink wink.