man am i pissed, been following magnificent mobility dvd for about a month now as well as foam rolling etc, really focusing on increasing my inherent lack of flexibilty.
All was going well until last week when i was deep squatting with a fairly light weight when at rock bottom i feel a twinge in my right calf, probably the soleus just below the back outer side of the knee, nothing really painful so i kept going. Finished the workout, stretched and rolled as per usual.
the next day i realise that the injury is worse than i thought and now basically i cannot squat (either in the gym or just squatting down to pick something up) without a shooting pain in the same area when i stand up, the thing is the pain only occurs when i squat below parallel. I should go and see a physio but being this close to xmas i have no chance of getting in until the new year
Has anyone suffered from a similar fate?