Within the last couple of weeks I have improved my squatting form by squatting down all the way, until my glute about touches my calves. Well within the last week or so, I have noticed that whenever I squat down to do anything–tie shoe, work VCR?as I get up I have this pain in my calf/ joints, kind of like a numbing, idk?slight pain that takes a second and then it goes away.
I have only felt this recently and took no notice of it. Then last night as I was squatting I noticed it coming up on the squat and figured out that?s what must be causing it. So what should I do? Before squatting never hurt my joints or my outer lower legs like it does now. Since I have been doing ass/grass squats, I have been doing the same amount of weight, just at much lower reps.
Should I back off the weight, the squats altogether? Is their a weakness I might have that I need to work on? I really appreciate all comments.