squatting low

Within the last couple of weeks I have improved my squatting form by squatting down all the way, until my glute about touches my calves. Well within the last week or so, I have noticed that whenever I squat down to do anything–tie shoe, work VCR?as I get up I have this pain in my calf/ joints, kind of like a numbing, idk?slight pain that takes a second and then it goes away.

I have only felt this recently and took no notice of it. Then last night as I was squatting I noticed it coming up on the squat and figured out that?s what must be causing it. So what should I do? Before squatting never hurt my joints or my outer lower legs like it does now. Since I have been doing ass/grass squats, I have been doing the same amount of weight, just at much lower reps.

Should I back off the weight, the squats altogether? Is their a weakness I might have that I need to work on? I really appreciate all comments.

without seeing yoru squat or describing your form its hard to say, but as long as your form is fine i dont see a reason to back off the weight, however if your form is fine stop squatting low and seek better advice then i can give

Have a good chiro or Physio check your back for herniations. It’s just a thought, I don’t want you to be alarmed.

Also, in the meantime, stretch your piriformis and see if you can control the pain.

Dude, redirect this question to Dr. Gregg. He has been posting here lately and is an exceptional ART provider. He has helped quite a few of my clients and he knows his shit. he might be able to give you an idea. Good luck.