Weightloss Help

Hi, I’m 16 years old and my current weight is 203 lbs., my height 5"8 ft. as you can see I’m overweight and i am looking foward to losing weight just for my own self esteem (not that is low or anything). anyways i have lost 11 pound in like 6 months it feels like an eternity knowing that a friend of mine that was about same condition as me lost 45 pounds in 7 months and now looks better then ever.i lost the weight just by eating healthier and doing school execises, just recently they opened up a gym around here so I am going every day for 2 hours (jogging and some weights).

Ok here come the question i need to know a better way to lose weight faster and at the same time gain muscle, i was wondering if The Velocity Diet is safe fo for me or should i take a different approach also for the weights i dont want to stun my growth so im doing half of what i can do which is 50 lbs. should i put more weights to it or jsut do my amx but with certain exercises only?

The V Diet is a great way to get started. It requires a fair amount of determination to complete.

Get Muscle Revolution. It takes you step by step along what you need to know and do.

Make sure you hit the nutrition forums on here. That’s the deal-maker in fat loss.

Go down the list of authors. There must be hundreds of articles of fat loss, diet and nutrition, interval training, etc. You could read this place for months, really. It’s all here. Do your research. It pays off. Get informed and make up your mind. DOn’t forget!! Muscle Revolution.

First of all forgetting about losing weight, as weight isn’t the problem, fat is.

If you can’t get your body fat % measured every month or so take pictures so that you can track your progress.

Basically it sounds as though you need a basic weights program and some HIIT combined with a decent diet.

Everything you need is on the site already so use the search function, look through the beginners threads and if you still have any questions come back and ask for advice.

o btw i forgot to say that i want to have a cut look not a “brolic” look is just to be slim and muscular

[quote]Angelsadin wrote:
o btw i forgot to say that i want to have a cut look not a “brolic” look is just to be slim and muscular[/quote]

You might try spreading your meals over the course of the day too. Try your three main meals, and then two or so quality ‘snacks’ (as in an apple and some mixed nuts are a snack). This doesn’t mean add or drop calories (as I have no idea what a day looks like for you in the nutrition column). But I can tell you from experience that simply eating quality foods throughout the day is helpful. Now, if your diet is in order, as has been suggested to you, lift! Run! For the running, I’d agree that focusing on HIIT would be most helpful to you.

And don’t worry about getting huge. You won’t. Trust me. There are guys on this sight that have been eating over 2000 calories over maintenance every day for months, and lift hard, and aren’t anywhere close to huge. It takes much, much more diligence to put on muscle mass than it takes to lose fat, so don’t sweat it.

Best of luck

did i mention i dont want to stun my growth pls be sure that none of these advice will lead to this problem…BTW thx alot i never received such great attention concerning to this

Pretty decent general advice here. Here’s a question–wtf is a “brolic” physique??

I second this–forget “weight” loss. It’s FAT LOSS that you’re after. You need muscle to keep your metabolism revved up. Metabolism and muscle mass is what feeds your ability to lose fat. Lose muscle, you lose the ability to accelerate fat loss.

V diet is a good way to go, BUT it is EXTREMELY hard to maintain the determination to do it all the way to the end. You’ll need to plan and sacrifice ahead of time to get things done. If you are interested in doing the V diet, read Shugart’s V Diet article, and esp. Dan John’s V Diet thread. Dan John gives some very, very good advice on planning for this. It will be expensive in supplements, but not for food. There are NO adjustments to the program. Do it as written and no excuses. This includes the supps they mention. You WILL NOT make it on a simple/poor/budget whey protein.

Personally, my opinion is that you should get disciplined and get diet and training in check before you start anything as drastic as the V diet. Get good habits first, then go gung ho. But it’s your choice.

Weights will not stunt your growth. If you’re worried about it, heres a rule of thumb–don’t go below 6 reps a set for a while. Don’t test your Max attempts for a few months and stay higher rep. After that you can see if you want to move to lower reps for a few weeks. You’ll make good progress on just about any well thought out program, because you are new. Don’t get carried away–get form right and check your ego. The rest comes with time.

Finally, eat often. I mean OFTEN. It will keep hunger under control, and if you’re eating clean, it will control insulin response as well. I eat about 3500 calories on a cutting diet, give or take a few, spread over about 6-8 equally sized meals a day. You can start with 5 meals and get comfortable with that though. That’s a meal every 3 hours, no mistakes, class or not. Read John Berardi’s stuff and Lonnie Lowery’s stuff, they’re both amazing. Take whatever calories you decide on using and split them up over at least 5 meals every day. Aim for a 300-500 cal deficit to maintenance, no more. Rest at least 2 days a week, cardio included. As fat loss slows down, adjust your calories downward by 200 every 4 weeks or so. You can eat more than you think and lose weight, as long as they are clean fiber and protein filled calories (veggies etc).

“Building the perfect body cannot be done in ‘3 easy steps’. Hard work and critical thinking are required.”

HIIT is a personal choice. It’s really great, and takes less time in a session compared to steady running, but is much more demanding and requires more recovery. Remember, you have to be able to recover from your workouts, regardless of whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle. Maybe try a mix of HIIT and steady cardio, figure out which one you like more and stay with it for a while. Eg–HIIT 1x a week, steady cardio 1-2x a week, and go from there.

Steady lower intensity longer duration cardio burns more calories DURING the exercise session, but very few calories are burned afterwards and throughout the week. HIIT burns less during the session, but creates a very large metabolic demand through the longer term (multiple weeks). I favor a mix of both if need be, but favor HIIT personally.

my problem was that i was ignorant enough to think fat and weight is the same thing but thanks i will do my research and trust i have what it takes for a drastic diet