Weighted Chins - Left Trap/Rhomboid/Spine Area Injury HELP!!!

To make a long story short:

  • Was doing Weighted Chins with 45 pounds.
  • I always put the dumbbell in between my feet to add +weight
  • When I finished my last rep, I jumped down from the bar a little faster than I normally do
  • Suddenly horrific pain shooting in the upper back

My guess is ( and please don’t think I am right, because I probably am not ) that the force of the dumbbell pushing into the floor with my bodyweight when I landed down from the pullup bar shot up through my back[if that even makes sense]. Is this valid reasoning for why this happened?

It’s in the upper middle left back area. It almost feels like it is right in the middle on my spine. Somewhere in between the inner traps , rhomboid area ?


Can anybody diagnose or help me at all? :frowning:

Probably just the drastic change in tension between the pull up, the time before you land, then the landing creating a strain. A persons body is always going to tense a little when they land to keep themselves stable. Considering you were just doing pull ups your back just happened to be fatigued from the work out then you put zero tension and max tension in a matter of second. Ice at night before you sleep for a few days. In the day if you have time, do both ice and heat back to back(“blood pump”), and some inflammatories starting now if you are in to them.

It basically sounds like a muscle strain…

Though, I have this sharp pain occasionally after lifting. Most days during the day I have a pulled muscle feel to my right rhomboid/lower trap, I have no idea how to get rid of it. I would be very surprised if your pain doesn’t go away in a couple days, it’s likely just a muscle pull/strain. Mine has lasted a long time for reasons no one knows.

Rest it a couple days. If it doesn’t get better, go see a chiro.

Could be your levator scapulae. Keep your neck/head neutral

Thank you everybody. You are all so kind. I greatly appreciate it.

:frowning: hurts so much

Just hammer out a session of Reg Park 5x5,cures all known ailments

Hey guys, I don’t mean to be a whiner, but it’s been 2-3 days and it still really hurts and I can’t turn my head to the left without feeling that little area in my back having a lot of pain.

How long do you all think I should wait it out before I see a specialist? (because I thought muscle pulls or whatnot only take a few days)? It would be a miracle to wake up tomorrow or the day after without this :frowning:

basically the same thing happened to me last summer, though it happened over a few days. (Pulled it a bit, thought it was healed and pulled it again, etc. It got REALLY nasty in there after I did that a few times.)

I had to rest it totally for around two weeks. Somewhere in the middle there I slowly started to get some pain free ROM back, could very carefully carry bags of groceries, etc. Take it slow!

There’s basically nothing you can do in the gym that doesn’t involve it at least a little. Light leg extensions maybe… haha

So after that time, I was able to very carefully do light pullups, bench, etc.

Then another week or so later I could do very careful, slow OHP, squats, DL, etc.

I rolled it with a lacrosse ball from the beginning. That might not be a good idea though, I’m not sure.

Ice that bastard, get some bloodflow in there. Give it time, it’ll get better.

Disclaimer - your problem could be different than mine. You could have fucked up your C-spine somehow and if you don’t do anything about you’ll be paralyzed for life or something terrible.

I doubt it though. :slight_smile:

How’s it going? Feeling any better?

I can turn my head without pain, but as soon as I hold the bar in position for Front Squats, it begins to hurt. I can basically do everything except Squatting which is so weird!

I did weighted chins no problem, but can’t even hold the squat bar in position :frowning:

sounds about like how mine was, just take it slow. You really don’t want to reinjure it.