Im curious about your guys opinions on how to progress on this rep scheme. Do you add weight after 4 or so weeks. Or when the last rep of last set doesn’t represent close to failure. Any help , insight appreciated thank ya
Id probably do it until i can do 8/8/10…or 10/8/8 or 10/9/8… I like to amrap the last set.
Anyways in order to do 3x8 with more weight you need to be able to do more than 3x8 with current weight.
Thank you , that makes much more clearer to me. Appreciate it
Shouldn’t 3 sets of 8 reps with 70% of your max single be a piece of cake?
Tbh i never gone up over 5 reps , anything over that kicks my ass a bit for some reason. Im following dorian yates early routine ,so im going for more hypertrophy phase
It won’t take very long for you to develop the conditioning for 8 reps.
Your 70% example if you did a max single squat with 500lbs, would be 3 sets of 8 reps with 350lbs. Those sets would quickly become very easy to accomplish.
“Anyways, in order to do 3x8 with more weight you need to be able to do more than 3x8 with current weight.”
That’s almost poetic and if 99% of the gym rats listened to it, they would do just fine.
It really is , breaks down the progression perfectly for when a exercise says 2 or 4 sets of 8 to 12
That is what I though too. A basic 1RM calculator says 80% for 8 reps and 70% for 12 reps. Although maybe if the idea is start at 8 and increase until 12, that would be a moderate approach.
The rule of thumb I used for non-powerlifters, who have not optimized their CNS to utilize the maximum number of muscle fibers one singles, was 80% of your 1 rep max should be capable of 10 reps. (We used 90% of 1RM for 5 reps.) Both of those are 2% per rep.
I had no rule of thumb for reps greater than 10 reps, but you could extrapolate the 2% for a few reps and get an approximation. Once getting above 15 reps, practice would be needed to extend the curve. The curve seems to be linear from 1 to 10 reps.
I’m don’t think I’m well-adapted for singles but this figure has matched my abilities somewhat well,
I had always used 2% per rep for bodybuilding trainees for up to 10 reps.
With accomplished powerlifters use 2.5% per rep.
Whoever made your chart went to great effort to be completely comprehensive. I just don’t agree with his percentages from my experiences. Your chart for 80% nearly aligns with 2.5% per rep. If your experience more closely follows your chart, I would say that your CNS is close to that of an accomplished powerlifers.
I’d almost think the opposite? Those of us who aren’t practiced with low reps probably aren’t working off a real/ high 1RM, but could do more reps at a given percentage. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what we’re saying
But you are working from your actual 1 rep maximum.
Suppose you and I could both do a 500lb max squat. But you were better at higher reps, maybe because you were primarily bodybuilding (2% per rep), so you could get 10 reps with 400lbs.
And I was a trained power lifter who mainly trained low reps (2.5% per rep), so I could only get 8 reps with 400lbs
2% of 500lbs is 10lbs
2.5% of 500lbs is 12.5lbs
And we could look at it from a squat 5 rep max of 450lb. Say we could both perform 5 reps with 450lb. If you are a trained bodybuilder (2% per rep), so your 1 rep max would be 500lbs [2% times 5 reps is 10%, or 90% of your max. 450lbs/0.90 or 500lbs]
And I am a trained power lifter (2.5% per rep), so my 1 rep max would be 515lbs [2.5% times 5 reps 12.5%, or 87.5% of my max. 450lbs/0.875 or 515lbs]
Ok I get it now. That makes sense