I have only just recently been directed to this site, and I’ve been doing a lot of reading, but I just wanted to ask some others for advice as I still have no idea what I am doing or supposed to be doing.
I am 18, 5’10" and weight 238lbs. I have been wanting to lose weight and bulk up for a while now, but just havent gotten around to doing it. I started a low calorie diet about two months ago, with some very loose and weak cardio, but I have had good results from just that. When I started, I was over 255lbs. So I guess thats good considering I havent done much more than dieting.
But dieting is only half of it, as I know from research and others. And I am joining the gym and I’d like to start lifting. I own some basic weights at my house that I have been using, but they arent very heavy so I dont think they will help me build muscle which is what I really want.
I guess my main questions are this.
Should I stay on a low-calorie diet and continue cardio, or should I take a bigger diet with healthy fats and protein and start lifting heavy while also doing cardio.
If I change to a bigger diet what should I eat? Should I start buying Fish Oil and other supplements?
What kind of lifting should I do? I’m pretty new to all the different types of lifting and exercises.
My goals are pretty much this, within one year I would like to bulk up as much as I can, while also losing as much weight as well. I primarily want to focus on getting a good size first, and then I can focus on losing the fat more.
And I guess thats it, I cant think of anything else to say at the moment.