2 1/2 years ago i was in a motorcycle accident that kept me in bed for 6 months. I also spend almost a year after having problems walking. In the proccess i gained 113 lbs for a total of 403 lbs. I finally got my leg in good condition and started working out in January. In 14 weeks i have lost 56lbs and feel i have gained muscle
wich i deduct from my strengh gains. Questions do you think that at that pace that im losing weight is too fast? im eating similar to the massive diet 6 times a day and what supplements you recommend. by the way im 6’3 so im not a blob!!!
You are the only one who can answer that question. Are you getting stronger? Are you losing strenght? Do you feel like shit? Do you feel great? Have you been measuring your body fat? How are you monitoring your body composition? You may want to measure your pipes legs calfs and neck then observe the changes. If you feel like a weak tit and your muscles are sore all the time you may be over doing it. Most healthy weight lossgain is 2-3lbs a week but everyone is differnt. I was losing 5 lbs a week on the fat fast diet and I felt ok up until the end. Just listen to your body. Good luck.
I think it’s definately possible that you’ve gained muscle. Being bed-ridden for 6 months and not using muscles would definately cause atrophy. Because you had that muscle at one time in the past you will gain it back faster than usual due to what is called “muscle memory”. Once you reach the muscle mass you once had it should slow down or outright stop, especially since you are dieting.
Strength isn’t always a good indicator of muscle gain though. While in some cases it does reflect true LBM increases, it may also be due to CNS adaption and if you are new to weightlifting it could be that your muscles are simply getting more efficient. If you take any new person and start them weightlifting they most likely will struggle in the beginning with lower weights. It takes the body some time to learn the coordination needed to push heavier weights. Once this coordination is established you can generally push heavier weights with no true muscle growth. Also strengh increases can come strictly from CNS(central nervous system) adaption which is another reason why people new to weightlifting can get good strength gains very quickly.
So in the end I’m sure you’re benefiting from all 3. You’ve got muscle memory coming back, your CNS is adapting and your body in general is just getting more efficient at weightlifting in general. 56 lbs is 14 weeks is a lot to lose, but remember that some of it was water, especially if you were bloated and retaining a lot. Also the farther out of shape you are the faster you will lose the weight. It has been argued that part of the reason you can lose so much in the beginning is that because your body gets so heavy it has to strengthen tendons and connective tissue to support it. As you lose the weight your body loses some of this tissue as well because it no longer needs it. Normally losing 3-4 pounds a week signals muscle loss, but in this case I’d guess it’s mostly water,fat and extra tissue.
Remember, as your bodyfat % gets lower, your weight loss will slow accordingly. I lost 45 pounds over a span of 12 weeks and was stronger in the end as well. I think that when you are that out of shape your body will literally shed bodyfat at an enormous rate if you give it the means. Once I got down to around 15% bf it started to slow down to a normal 1-2 lbs per week.
So keep up the good work and don’t forget to take a couple weeks off of the diet to let your metabolism recover. 14 weeks is a long diet cycle and you don’t want your metabolism to shutdown. Take 2 weeks off of dieting by upping calories to maintenance levels. Then you’ll find the weight should start coming off easier again.
Im feeling stronger than ever and energy wise im thru the roof. The reason i posed the Question is everybody keeps saying im loosing weight too fast. But you guys are right the ultimate measure is how im feeling. Im having 3 meals and 3 protein shakes a day do you recommend any particular one of the Diets for my situation. Im 6’3 348 lbs today and my fat % was 27. when i started i was at 40%.Im working out a 6 day split. I see a couple diffrent diets here but can seem to decide wich one apply’s to me. Thanks for the advise and encouregment.