Weather or not to take a break....?

What’s up bros…haven’t been on the boards for a while…I need some advice, as I am getting into uncharted territory here. Let me give you some back ground info…this year I have cycled 3 times. with maybe a month break in between. First started Jan '03…did 5 weeks test/tren—>1000mg/500mg a week…came off with clomid…was fine…then a couple of months later got back on test 800mg/week and came off with Winny 50mg ED…for 5-6 weeks…came off with clomid…then took another 2 months off and got on a 6 week cycle of Test/Tren---->1100mg/700mg a week…came off with clomid again…so now I’ve been about 2 months off, and I’m seeing some size and weight atrophy, but my strength is still all there…I am also gaining a little bit of fat, since I am only working out 3 times a week, and I don’t run anymore, because I work a 8 to 6 (killer)…i want to get back on so I can finish what I started…I am 6’0" 190 with a 4 pack showing…descent but not where I should be…In any case…I need advice, weathe or not to get back on…I have a fiance, and while on the cycle it takes me atleast 30mins to come, but since I’ve been off it seems like I have recovered nicely, since now it only takes me maybe 5 to 10 mins…works for me :)…what I am actually am affraid of is that I will loose hair if I get back on…I have seen a little shedding, but not much…I wonder if it will intensify…does it affect hairloss if your body has recovered from a cycle? I ussually don’t see a single hair fall out up until week 5 after I have completely recovered. Sop someone who has cycled somewhat like me…could you please let me know how my scalp will behave…that’s the only thing I’m worried about…thanks guys…

i would seriously reconsider my diet and training. with the amount of juice you have done consistently this year you should be a hell of alot bigger than 6’ 190 pounds. i would reevaluate my training and diet before starting aas again. just my 2 cents…

This isn’t a dis or anything bro but I agree with snipeout. What lbs did you start at? How much did you gain overall? And as far as know certain steroids are more likely to accelerate hairloss (if you are prone to that) for example tren and test both do this so if hairloss is a concern you might want to lay off the tren and go with lower doses of test. BTW 5-10 minutes!!?? I can only imagine your girl liked it better when it took you 30 min. but that’s just my opinion.

Well…fat is fat…but I don’t have much of it…maybe I’m a perfectionist and I want 2% bodyfat…but let me tell you that 190 on my frame is great…I am 5 pounds down from my ideal weight…my waist size is 30…I mean, that’s the way I’m built…no matter how much juice I will do, I will NEVER get to be 215-225, because I am never going to mess with slin, GH or anything more then the doses that I have been using. I just don’t want to mess my body up and these doses are pretty moderate…so actually 190 @ 6’0" is just where I should be…and I’m just saying that I’m gaining fat, because I am complaining that me and my girl eat out all the time and my diet and trainig suck right now…when I come off, I look pretty fucking good, but recently I have been working a lot so it’s not been a very productive atmosphere, u dig?

Well originally I started @ 180 with about 15% b/f. I got up to 200 @ 6% about 2 months ago…but since then have been working out and eating like SHIT…about sex…well…actually the marathon sex where I rail her for an hour an a half and can’t come but am hard as a rock is no fun for me…look she comes 2 times in the first 10 mins then maybe a couple of more times later…but really it works out perfect where we just do it slow and nice…and both get off quick instead of pounding her for an hour…just the way it is…

I’m not flaming you but what you are saying just isn’t true. You’ve done 3 cycles with some pretty decent doseages and have only gained like 20 lbs. You could easily get into the 220 to 230 (maybe even 240) range with the drugs you have been taking. BTW hardly any of the guys on this board take slin/gh and many of them are around 6 ft and over 210 lbs (moreso in some cases). Sounds like you need to reevaluate your diet+training and cycle routine.

Maybe you’re right. But what is also true, is that if you keep using the same dosages through out without increasing, you will not gain any more mass…from my experience…and I have never been able to increase mass unless I increase the dosages (law of diminishing results). So Yes, I have gooten upto 200, but then I would go down through partying and shit then get back on again in 2 months and get as nice…

and I wasn’t trying to imply that any of you use GH, SLin and all that shit, I was just saying that poundages of 230-220 with leess then 5% BF are ussually achieved witht those drugs…even @ my height…just look at how much the pros weigh and measure in height, u kno what they use…its all relative…

What kind of partying…sniff sniff partying?

The full assortment:)

I don’t have to tell you that’s not good…but it isn’t.

Well…just posting all this, made me relise on my own that I need to prolong my break a little more then 2 months. I guess I’ll come back strong in Feb or March…I got 30 mls of Tren and 30 of Sus. SHould do for a nice stack…

One last question then, if noone has anything constructive to say…will propecia help combat hairloss during and post cycle, when you cycle test/tren?

Just out of curiosity what is your average daily calorie and protein intake while you are on?

Well, I don’t really count calories, I just go by meals and grams of protein vs. carbs and fat. I get about 100g of protein a day from shakes, then ussually eat a dinner or lunch @ a restaurant with a little bit of carbs…I’d eat a steak or fish…then get a snack meal of just meat during the day. I would probably estimate that I get somewhere around 200g of protein a day…I try to stay lean and not get too fat that is why 200 is I think is just fine.

I think your diet is your problem here. protein should be higher. more real food is neccasary

whether, not weather.

You are wrong about the dosages, From the sounds of it, you don’t know how to train and you don’t know how to diet and you remind me of an aquaintance I once had who had a coke problem which made him anorexic. he took steroids to keep his weight and his body though, so every cycle he would go up in weight but come right back down at cycles end. My advice is get control of the coke problem first, then worry about your workout routine. The coke is also probably the culprit that is effecting your sex life.

Thanks for that sound advice. You know, you ask for one thing, and you get your whole life dissected, grammar spell-checked. It never used to be this way, you kno…people used to help, actually, not hate. Please…tell me more about my drug-habits, sterroid abuse, diet and trainig technique. Jeez people, this is not a soap opera…grow up and shut the hell up unless you have something SPECIFIC to answer to a persons question. Its fine to say something constructive, but to comment on things that you have never experienced yourself and know absolutely nothing about makes you sound like an ignorant jackass. My lifestyle is what it is, but you know what, I manage it well…
I’ve been on this board for over 3 years, and have learned a lot and have put it all into practice, but I’ve never read such disrespect and just pointless “talking out of your ass” type of shit until I came back here for a simple question. This is bull shit, plain and simple, I think the only knowledgeable person that is left on this board is Tren Freak.

You need to put your juice in a big safe and throw away the key. You have years of work and knowledge ahead of you, and you’re ill-informed about a number of things. If you don’t wanna live the lifestyle, you shouldn’t be juicing. Period.

This isn’t intended to flame you in any way, and I welcome any questions you have…I just think they should be directed towards the T&N Board. Regardless of what we say, you will do what you want, so at least leave a post for us when you do decide to start a cycle so you can get advice/feedback.

That’s my 2cc