Hey guys: I need some advice. Im a 47 year old guy (6’4", 213 lbs) who was in extremely bad shape (33% body fat in March) and went on 5/3/1 to improve his strength. I find that 5/3/1 has been a great program for me because it appears I can only add about 5 lbs every monthly cycle (I really don’t see myself on Rippitoe’s novice program, for example, which pushes you 5 lbs every 2 days!)
Anyway, my Dead Lift and Squat seem to be fine on 5/3/1…after a year, my 1RM still keep going up. For example, I have gone up 70 lbs for a 1RM in my dead lift the year I have been on 5/3/1 (1RM from 130 to 200…yea, I know, Im incredibly weak).
The problem is with my Bench Press and the Press. I have plateaued at about 195 and 105 lbs, respectively. I did what Jim suggested and lowered my 1RM by 90% in the calculation and restarted the cycle. I went about 3-4 cycles and plateaued at these 1RM’s again. And I did this again! I still cannot seem to get above 175 and 105 lbs. This is not a surprise to me since Ive never built muscle easily and I am middle aged, which does not help.
What do you think I should do to break the plateau’s? Any programs that you can suggest?
Thanks for any consideration.