Hey everyone, I’m kinda new to training.
My general goals are to put on strength and size, thus increasing my 1RM on all my lifts
I’m planning to use 5/3/1 (Dave Tate’s periodisation bible), however am also unsure with what to do after using Wendlers…
Heres the program I intend to follow:
Squat day:
Squat 5 X 10
Lunges 5 X 10
Leg Raises 5X10
Bench day:
Chest Dip 5X10
Pull Ups (Assisted) 5X10
DB pullover 3X10
Deadlift Day:
Weighted Lunges 5X10
Romanian deadlift 5X10
Facepulls 5X10
OHP Day:
OHP 5X10
BB Rows 5X10
Tricep Pushdowns 5X10
Would this be a good general program to follow?
Also anyone have any advice for a good training program to follow after 5/3/1 for maxing out strength?
Thanks in advance xoxo