5/3/1 Training and Beyond

Hey everyone, I’m kinda new to training.
My general goals are to put on strength and size, thus increasing my 1RM on all my lifts

I’m planning to use 5/3/1 (Dave Tate’s periodisation bible), however am also unsure with what to do after using Wendlers…

Heres the program I intend to follow:
Squat day:
Squat 5 X 10
Lunges 5 X 10
Leg Raises 5X10

Bench day:
Chest Dip 5X10
Pull Ups (Assisted) 5X10
DB pullover 3X10

Deadlift Day:
Weighted Lunges 5X10
Romanian deadlift 5X10
Facepulls 5X10

OHP Day:
OHP 5X10
BB Rows 5X10
Tricep Pushdowns 5X10

Would this be a good general program to follow?
Also anyone have any advice for a good training program to follow after 5/3/1 for maxing out strength?

Thanks in advance xoxo

Also forgot to mention my strength goals(1RM):
Squat: 100KG
Bench: 75KG (Or bodyweight)
Deadlift: 140KG

Current Strength:
Squat: 72.5X5 reps
Bench: 60KG
Deadlift: 110KG
If anyone could provide a little advice on a good way to hit my targets I would be really grateful :slight_smile: