I have been plateaued at my bench press of 185 for a couple of months. I am 155 pounds and 19 years old. I would like to know a solid rep scheme to increase my bench press. Also, i have heard that decline bench is better than doing flat, so i only do decline and incline. Please help me out guys. A new rep scheme for my bench would be lovely.
honestly, im probably not the strongest guy on this website, but i can tell you if you want to increase your bench press…start doing pushups…good old fasioned gym class pushups…do as many as u can in one set…then repeat for 3 more sets
also dips and overhead pressing will increase ur tricep strength, which in turn will increase ur bench press…good luck!
Stop doing high volume and start testing your max constantly. If you want to get strong you need to lift heavier weights. If you want to get better at pressing 185, press 185 repeatedly.
[quote]RuthlessMurder wrote:
Stop doing high volume and start testing your max constantly…If you want to get better at pressing 185, press 185 repeatedly.[/quote]
Fix your form. I guarantee that it sucks. Google “so you think you can bench” and watch the whole series of videos. There was a pretty good bench progression article on this site a while back. You could search for it in that little white box at the top right of you screen.
It went something like this: work up to a set of… and add in some assistance triceps, lats, rear delts, and upper back.
wk1 70% for max reps
wk2 80% for max reps
wk3 90% for max reps
wk4 60% for 5 reps (deload)
wk5 70% for max reps
wk6 80% for max reps
wk7 90% for max reps
wk8 hit a new 1 rep max
Eat a lot and that ought to do you. Bench progress can be slow… I consider adding 5 pounds a month to be good progress for me.
If you are serious and not trolling then… simply perform 3 sets of 5 reps at 155 pounds. If you can complete all 3 sets, increase the weight by 5 pounds. Keep following that format until you truly reach a plateau. At that point we can give you real advice. Until then get in the gym and make sure to eat. Once you plateau we can look at ways to increase you triceps strength and increase you lat activation. Simple before fancy. Put the work in and then we will actually use our brains to help you defeat you plateaus.
[quote]RuthlessMurder wrote:
Stop doing high volume and start testing your max constantly…If you want to get better at pressing 185, press 185 repeatedly.[/quote]