I finished, so far, Rippetoes, capped on that, then did a 5x3 based four day split and capped pretty quickly, I dont think my body is ready for splits. Just about doubled my strength in all regards, so I’m happy with that. I only did strength so far because my nutrition (protein intake) was insufficient for high volume, but now that my protein is ordered in I am planning for a massive bulk, maxing my protein synthasization. I was thinking of doing Waterbury’s 10x3, but when I read the article he starts off saying that he gets his ‘advanced’ trainees to do it. :S should I not do it as my first bulking phase?
It sounds like fun though, so I wanted to try it out as my first.
I might add that my goals are inbetween powerlifting, strongmanning, BBing and breakdancing, gymnastics. I just love the iron. As you can see though, 4 of the 5 need super strength. So basically, hovering at 150lb I want both hypertrophy and strength. You may say 150lb is low, but I started at 125lb over the last 2 years (I admit most of it in the last half year). But yeah, I am not unconditioned.
Any thoughts?
Try this:
:S I was told WS4BB was for advanced trainees. As for 5x5 isnt that too similar to 3x5? just more volume? In “Weight training’s dirty little secret” article they say it is best to change to something completely different when you change programs. Thats why I went to a split. Stupid, owell, thats why I am asking for any ideas. No one so far has said anything on the Waterbury’s program, just given me replacements for it?
Damn it, I didnt log out of my friends account. Above post by me
Any of the above (including 10x3) are good programs. Just pick one.
This is what I am thinking, Il start tommorow. Modified Waterbury’s.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Sets: 10
Reps: 3
Rest: 60 seconds between sets
A1 Partial Dumbbell or Barbell Deadlift (Romanian Deadlift)
A2 Standing Barbell Reverse Military Press
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds (between pairings)
B Row to face
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds
C Triceps Pressdowns (or French Presses)
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds (between sets)
Barbell overhead squats
Sets: 10
Reps: 3
Rest: 70 seconds
A Dips
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds
B1 Skull Crushers
B2 Standing Barbell Curls
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds
C Hanging Leg Raises
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds between sets
3x25 eccentric pullups
5x5 chinups
1x40lat widepull
3xmax chins/pulls
A Decline Barbell Bench Press
B1 Seated Calf Raises
B2 Glute/Ham Raises or Leg Curls
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds (between pairings)
C Lunges
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60 seconds (between sets)
I want day 3 to help with my olympic lifts, what would be suggested as a better idea than overhead bb squats? Also the modified chinups at the start of the week are from the chin-up improvement article a while ago. Should I be doing less? Cut out a few excercises over the week? And I am thinking I should be doing more deadlifting over the whole week? Too much tricep excercises?
Ok I am logging from today. I will start a food log from next week too.
BW: 149lb
BF: 4-6%?
mood before: enthusiastic
mood after: unfatigued, felt like I had under-done the workout.
BB Benchpress 10x3x70kg
Romanian deads 2x6x70kg
BB R-Mil Press 1x6x40kg
BB Mil Press 1x6x45kg
1x1x45kg + 5 half reps
Sitting R2Face 4x6x20kg
Skipped triceps because no time.
Whoah, the day after my first session I had to do some training with my athletics team and I felt totally out of energy and like my muscles were about to rip into a million shards. That was a first for me
So here I am on thursday I decided to give the chinup day a go. Really, it takes sooo much mental effort to keep the eccentric sets going. The first 25 I was like ‘ok thats enough how am I going to do the rest?’ So next set I almost gave up on the 15th eccentric!
Pethetic, I said, so i got angry and and finished up to 22 reps and died. 3rd set 20 reps. By now I was struggling to breathe enough and my arms were sitting naturally at 90 degree angles :S. I loaded 15kg and started doing the chinups, and could only do half reps from arms-straight position - is that bad?
Continued dying and struggled through the program but felt GREAT at the end. Thoroughly worked I could hardly hold my books to go to class lol. 1 hour later my arms are still shaking trying to stay straight lol.
I didnt do the squats day NOT because I dont like working my legs, but because the load I would be working with would be too low from doing athletics yesterday. Start squats monday
Whoah, Im sure some of you forum junkies would have noticed I panicked in the BB forum about the super-mega-DOMS I got 2 days after the chinups, but they are calming down.
Today I began the 10x3 squats
I flatuated on the 3rd 95kg set and dropped the bar on the second rep from laughter. A real long whiney one trying to get back up past parallel from ATG.
Did the dips with 20kg and couldnt finish the 4th set, so I think it was a good weight.
Instead of curls supersetted with the skullcrushers I did calves which I missed on Thursday, because of my recovering arms.
Finished the Leg raises, but I dont know
how to make them harder/heavier. Does anyone have ideas for that? im thinking of getting a massive dumbell and attatching with a stretchy band to around my legs.
Once again I feel underworked… Im waiting for the DOMS to set in lol!
I really want to get my squats past 110 max.