Watch Out for That Medicine Ball


Bodybuilders should stick to barbells :wink:

When I was 14, I was doing overhead tosses with a medicine ball and the fucking thing came down and landed on my face, just about knocked me the fuck out. Fuck Jumpsoles.


ouch, dont those things weigh like 30-40lbs?

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
ouch, dont those things weigh like 30-40lbs?[/quote]

nah typically 8-12 lbs, they do go lighter and heavier, but 18 might be the heaviest Iā€™ve seen

Now that guy knows how to handle huge blue balls in his handsā€¦

I can relate to that blokeā€¦my old med ball had no bounce at all was fckn awesome til it burstā€¦got a new one that was 8kg,tried my first slam fck me bounced so fast it smacked of my jawā€¦ouch!!!

ha ha ah ah ah hhahhahha ahaha ah

Why canā€™t this shit happen in my gym?

This is why I donā€™t do crazy shit in the gym, because I know my clumsy ass would end up eating that ball too.

(Wow that sounds pretty bad.)