Wash yer bod! (Androsol Q)

Okay, here’s an Andro/Nandro question that I haven’t seen addressed yet. I’m currently doing a once-in-the-morning, wash-it-off-at-night cycle of mixed Andro/Nandrosol. So I do 70 sprays around 7:30 each morning and wash the stuff off with soap around 8 or 9 o’clock every night. But here’s the problem: Since it’s now pretty hot and humid where I live, I often want to take a shower in the middle of the day to sluice the sweat off. (This is especially true on workout days.) Obviously I don’t want to take the A/N off, so what I’ve been doing is basically just washing my face, armpits and crotch with soap, and rinsing (water only) the rest of my body. But I’m wondering if this is actually the best way to go. Maybe it would be better to just do 35 sprays in the morning, work out, take a real shower (soap everywhere) and apply 35 MORE sprays in the early afternoon, and then wash this off again in the evening. Or even 70 sprays in the morning, work out, shower, and then 70 more sprays in the afternoon, shower in the evening. I don’t know how either of the above options would affect my hormone levels (I DO know how the second one would affect my wallet…), though. Bill, Brock, anyone? Any thoughts on this?

Bump. (Damn there’s a lot of traffic on the forum now…)

Good question! Working from home, I like to shower around noon, 1pm myself. I read in the Androsol FAQ stuff that it’s OK to get with your woman about an hour or two after application to keep her safe, but I don’t know if this applies to showers. I’m really interested in knowing this.

You know, it is interesting how many times I am intending to post and see someone asking the same question I was just about to ask, sometimes almost verbatim! I am exactly in your situation. When I take a rinse with water in the middle of the day, it does seem to wash some of it away no matter how careful I am. I just go on with my day. I’m not sure either. Sorry I can’t be more help.

If you mix andro and nandro together in the same bottle, they are absorbed quicker than if you applied them to seprate parts of your body. So if you mixed them and split your first application into two doses, morning and after your shower, I bet it would work out just fine. If possible, I would apply them to different parts of your body for your evening application because of the longer absorbtion time.

Seems like there’s some interest in this topic. Could one of the Biotest gurus chime in and tell us what he thinks?