[quote]Sarev0k wrote:
Time I would say is #1. Keep your workouts goin, It’ll hurt still for awhile but it’ll slowly make its way back to normal.
Like I said, it was over a span of about 2 months, so i got massages now and then too. Only if you can handle it though[/quote]
Gonna keep going (carefully) with the w/o’s, I was feeling a bit better tonight…even tho I had to carry my gf to bed (pissed) after driving back in the rain from a gig
Bet I wont even get condolence sex…and with the hangover she defo won’t want a fappachino in the mornin.
[quote]PDJD wrote:
use your abs not a belt. the only times i have hurt my back lifting is when I was using a belt. Since i have ditched the belt my squats and deads have steadily improved and my back pain is negligible. use your abs, they’re the best belt money can’t buy.[/quote]
That’s true too, letting the belt take responsibility for stabilization is a bad move.
Unless maxing out maybe…?
For now anyway, I’m gonna shy away from the belt
[quote]kaisermetal wrote:
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Don’t use a belt. They are outdated and unnecessary IMO. You’ll get a stronger core without one.
That’s his opinion. Do whatever make you feel safer and more stable.
I prefer using a placebo that make me more focused than using nothing and hurting myself more. But then again, i don’t have BBB experience in this matter.[/quote]
I too feel like a placebo keeps me focused, so it may have it’s place further down the road but for now I’ll keep working on upping core strength.
Thanks for all the advice posted,
appreciate it.
Live long and pain free, men of iron.