Warrior Diet+ Surge+Chanko

I am thinking I will start on a fat-loss program which is a hybrid of 3 different t-mag diet/eating plans next week. First I will go throughout the day without food (warrior diet). After training I will take Biotest Surge, then 1 hour after make a huge meal based mostly on TC’s chanko plan (chicken, tuna, rice, corn). With some MD6 and T2 during the day in addition to weights and mild aerobics, what do you think?

I don’t think this plan will work very well. Eating one meal a day will cause your body to store fat and burn muscle.

You need to review your human physiology. It makes No difference when or in how many meals you take in your calories during a 24 hour period. Only total calorie intake determines your wt. loss and wt.gain. And before anyone has a coronary over this, my statements have been proven time and time again by medical research.

Burrito is right. FYI I did the warrior and it was useless for losing beyond a week. Eating every 3 hours makes it less likely the body will store fat and a study showed it helped lean muscle. Your best option would be to keep the weights and do the Dont Diet taper (nate posted it, its massive eating with 15% below main cals). If you want a trendy hybrid I have used one that works and is a good balance of ease and effectiveness - MRP/Warrior protein ie only shakes during the day, surge after workout, one solid meal an hour after then protein and flax before bed (flax does wonders for cutting).

There was a recent study that evaluated diets of either most cals early in the day or just before bedtime. Guess what? The group eating most of their cals QHS (an hour from bedtime) lost just as much fat BUT retained more muscle. This study was well publicized in the BB rags as well as delivered to my e-mail by a colleague in the field. I’m saying don’t just regurgitate BB folk lore, study and learn on your own. Now I don’t for a second dispute some of the poor results ascertained by a Warrior type diet, but that still doesn’t overturn basic human physiology that has been time tested and re-tested. As always there is some genetic variation in all creatures, not to mention environmental influences. Get educated then you can deduct your own conclusions.

I personally have had a good deal of success with the warrior diet. I think, however, that it works a lot better if it is done as a keto diet; a good meal would be something like a dozen eggs and a lb and a half of steak, or the like. As long as you are in ketosis, you can go pretty much as long as you like without eating, without experiencing any appreciable muscle loss.

I’ve done the Warrior Diet, for about three months, and I’ve crashed more often than I’d like to remember. I think it looks nice on paper, but for me it did not work. As for combining the Chanko with the Warrior Diet, that is like saying you’re going to eat low fat butter. Sure, rice, corn, tuna and chicken are the food items from TC’s Chanko diet, but the macro nutrient is only a small part of his diet philosophy. The take-home message of the Chanko diet is eating small meals very often. If you’re going to eat those food items only at night, you are on the Warrior diet, NOT the Chanko diet.

I personally have had better luck with the warrior diet in reverse,meaning a huge meal in the morning and then mrps during the rest of the day and night.

I would love to be wrong about this, and by all means if one of the more enlightened vets could show me SCIENTIFIC fact that eating 2000 cals in four sittings instead of one is MUCH better for fat loss I would be thrilled. But eight years of undergrad and graduate education would be able to counter any gym buddy folk lore with medical research disputing your claims and once again acknowledging that our internal homeostatic milieu is for the most part regulated by a 24 hour clock. Once again I am willing to admit I can not explain the reason for the initial success and then subsequent attenuation of wt. loss reported by those using a Warrior type diet. Could be human erroe, who knows? I doubt this regimen was developed by someone who was folllowing a strict protocol based on journal entries and national funded co-hort studies.