The Warrior Diet (and Surge)

Quick question

If one were to follow the warrior diet, fasting until ~7 p.m., but working out at around 12 p.m., would Surge be appropriate?

I am guessing so. Just wanted to see if anyone had experience with this.

I’ve read a bunch about the diet, seems like real mixed results, but somehow it’s feeling right right now.

I know Mike Mahler reported good results with it, anyone else still currently around here?

Although, I don’t think I’ll ever go for the Warrior diet, I really like the idea of overfeeding post-training and undereating at all other times.

I think Surge would be a great way to get stuff started and would begin drinking it pre-workout (1/3 pre, 1/3 during, 1/3 post).

I tried the warrior diet a long time ago (without the surge), I lost way too much muscle. I did loose a lot of body fat and could see my abs pretty good after about a month, but I was also taking md6 and doing the body comp workout at the same time. If you do try it,I would recommend taking mag-10 to prevent the muscle lost. If your main goal is to loose a lot of body fat and really don’t care about loosing muscle give it a try.

Even Mike has abandoned the diet now. Everyone does well for a while, but they all end up losing too much muscle.

Let me qualify my desire to go on the Warrior diet.

Very temporarily.

I start my new job at Diesel next Thursday. That is 9am - 5pm, for two weeks straight (minus sundays).

I already work a full time job at the college, which I will be reversing my hours to 5:30 pm to 1 a.m.

Wake up and do it all over again.

I will be training (for the first time in a while) in the p.m. - around 7. Right now, I train around noon.

So, I figured for those two weeks or so, since I do not know what the source of food will be, the availability, etc., I would try the warrior diet.

Basically, go to work in the morning, get off, pick up one of those pre-roasted chickens and a bunch of veggies on my way to the college, work, train at 7, drink surge, and pig out an hour later.

Rest, repeat.

I figure 2 weeks to a month might be fine, and should limit muscle loss.

Any other thoughts?

I don’t see any problem with trying it out on a temporary basis. I’d still eat during the day at least a little bit if you were hungry though - protein and fat primarily.

Thanks for your advice Jason.

I’ll let you all know how it turns out.


I’d get too hungry and eat a customer. But that’s just me.

Do you plan on using any other supplements besides surge?

Otomix -

Since I don’t plan on being on the diet for more than 3 weeks, I won’t be going the prohormone route.

I’ll be taking a multi, and probably a low carb grow shake with fish oil tabs mid-day.

Any reccomendations? I would love to try the powerdrive as per TP’s reccomendations, but I’ll probably have a hard time affording it right now (prioritizing the Surge)

Going without food for the first few days on this diet is a killer. It took me about 5-6 days to get use to going without food for that long during the day. I think the Power Drive is a good idea to help with your mental focus when you start your new job, I don’t know how well it will help with your hunger pains you’ll have during the day. I would recommend some kind of cheap appetite suppressant with ephedrine if you can find it in your area. It sounds like hot-rox would be you’re best bet but it’s a little pricey.

I have to ask when do you find the time sleep on that crazy schedule?

you can eat on the warrior diet, it just has to be in single source bursts such as just veggies or just nuts, etc.(it’s in the book,p.19). but to limit muscle loss, you should have a scoop of surge preworkout (p.204).

Otomix - good idea with the appetite supp. I have 3 bottles of MD6 still stored away, maybe I’ll use that.

walk-on - thanks for the info - I don’t have the book, only the articles publihsed on T-mag.

So it says you can have small snacks from a single source? Like a can of tuna, or a bowl of brocoli, or things like that?

I did the Warrior Diet for three months one time. I loved the freakin’ thing. Eat right and do it right. Having surge about 12 hours after the night feast is not doing the warrior diet. Train later, otherwise don’t do it. Do it right! If it’s done wrong muscle is lost, fat is gained.

I stayed lean as hell forever on it. I loved it. The only problem I found was that I began to do it WRONG! eat the WRONG foods and never feel satisfied.

I took soemthing like md6 while on it. Here is an example of what mine looked like:

A.M. - Coffee + 5-htp
Noon - Green Tea + Yohimbine
P.m. - Train
7p.m. - Surge
8:30 or so p.m. - Dinner (huge)

Some days around 2 or 3p.m. I would have 1/4 cup mixed nuts or an apple. Other than that I followed it to a T. Be prepared to wake up still full and have to face the fact that once you come of it the biggest challenge will be BREAKFAST! Your stomach just does not feel right for food. You will crave nothing in terms of food.

Try it! Be a warrior while on it though, not a pansy ass.

Once I became a pansy ass, IT failed. Or, “I failed!”

aka da boxer

I like the warrior diet and did it for many years. However, I prefer a more balanced approach now. What I do is have a protein shake an hour or two after walking up in the morning, then some almonds and raisens 2-3 hours later. Two hours after that I workout. Have a protein shake after I workout, then my main meal, then some snacks after that.

This gives me all of the benefits of the warrior diet, without any negatives.

We are serious athletes here and to cut back on calories unnecessarily is well unnecessary :wink: Like Jason said, have some fat and protein during the day and you will do fine.

Mike Mahler