i just overheard a guy at the record store telling his buddy that he had to stop using protein powder because it was making him to agressive. he went on to say that he drew the line when he almost attacked his best friend, simply because he was all jacked up on the protein powder.
so a warning to all of you out there that use protein powder, be sure you use this stuff safely. follow the recommendations on the label, and cycle on and off properly. you never know when you just might snap!
Wow you guys sound like my mom. She thinks the protein powder I take is steroids. She tells me all these stories about people she knows who take protein and get sick and die. I love my mom, shes so old fashioned.
Yeah, its a shame to see good people just waste their lives away, strung out on protein. And worse, this stuff is all over the streets. Anybody can get it.
Wow, some people really are complete and total tools. I was recently told by a female co-worker that she made her husband stop taking creatine because it was making him too violent. Bwahahahahaha! Better not eat beef or fish because those have alot of creatine too, it’ll make you get roid rage dude. I guess protien really is evil…
I had a friend in one of my classes about a year ago. He knew I lifted, so he wanted to talk to me about it. He was “all natural” which meant no protein powders since it was hard on the liver and no creatine since it caused inexplicable rage. I never take the time to correct people that think things like this. I just act like I’m surprised and I must not have heard that before. If they can’t take the time to do ANY research, then let em be ignorant.
Yeah I hate it when call protein powders and multi-vitamins “not natural” and are like “I’m doing it the natural way.” What’s the difference between my protein powders and their Ramen Noodle meals that makes it unnatural? Besides there is more protein in the powders, they are both processed.
I think that the liver and kidney damaging effects only apply to oral protein powders. I use kits to convert my protein and inject it, but sometimes I apply it topically too, but that looks kinda funny and it itches.