Hello Christian,
I hate to mix and match training systems but I like the idea of warming up with bodyweight exercises to break a sweat because I hate stretching, I don´t have cardio equipment and I always train in my basement.
Can I warmup with 100 bodyweight or weight vest squats on lower body days or 100 pushups on upper body days before any training template?
I want to stay healthy, don’t train like a asshole, I don’t want wear and tear on my hips, create worse joint disfunction, create unnecessary mileage or load the spine unnecessarily!
Also, is this too much unnecessary junk volume when I do 100 squats before the main lift two times per week?
My goal is to increase GPP and activate the muscles I use in the workout with a traction based movement.
Context, non powerlifter, average meathead, non enhanced athlete.
You guys are one of the smartest guys in the business and I believe in what you say, so please be honest.
Thank you very much